
573 19 2

Genre : Angst + Fluff

Song : iKON's Everything

requested by yoon_yuri

third person's pov
"Mr Minhee , may i speak to you?" the doctor asked upon entering Dahwon's ward. "sure." Minhee got up and left after giving Dahwon a glance. "you know how weak she is now." the doctor told Minhee. "yes , but i know she's still strong." Minhee insisted. "that's what we all hope , but her infection is deadly and too serious to treat." the doctor said. "are you telling me you're giving up on her?" Minhee felt anger growing inside him.

"it's not us , it's her."

Minhee stayed silent and looked straight at the floor. "i'd suggest you prepare yourself for the worst. it can be any moment." the doctor told Minhee before leaving him alone. Minhee didn't move from his place and felt tears build up in his eyes.

Dahwon was Minhee's only friend as the both of them grew up together in the orphanage. they only had each other after they were old enough to leave and live on their own. unfortunately , Dahwon was born with only one kidney as she lost the other when she was born. she likes to believe that it was because of that reason for her parents to abandon her.

with that one kidney , it supported her till she contracted Urinary Tract Infection. the infection spreaded quickly to her bladder and eventually her one and only kidney , resulting in kidney failure. that left her bedridden ever since and Minhee has always stayed by her side.

Minhee went back inside and saw that Dahwon was already up. "oh , i thought you went home." Dahwon chuckled. "why would i leave you here?" Minhee smiled. "where did you go?" Dahwon asked. "just went to get some coffee." Minhee lied. "without me? psh." Dahwon rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Dahwon , i'm going to ask you something. what is something you wanna do before time is up?" Minhee asked. Dahwon stayed silent but then smiled and looked into Minhee's eyes. "i wanna spend time with you." Dahwon said. Minhee didn't reply and held her  cold , tiny hand. "i'll make sure that'll happen." Minhee was fighting back his tears that were threatening to fall out.

after telling Dahwon he wants to head outside for a minute , Minhee went straight to the doctor's office. "oh , it's you Minhee." the doctor said. "Doctor Kim , may i ask for permission to take Dahwon out? i wanna take her to the nearby park." Minhee asked. "sure , just make sure her IV drip stand is with her at all times." the doctor said.

Minhee then headed straight back to Dahwon's ward with a wheechair. Dahwon widened her eyes after seeing Minhee enter her ward with the wheechair. "let's go." Minhee smiled. "go where?" Dahwon couldn't help but smile too. it's been so long since she breathed the fresh air outside. "you'll know once we get out of here." Minhee said and pushed the wheelchair next to her bed before helping her out of bed and onto the wheelchair. "hold onto this." Minhee said as he pushed the IV drip next to Dahwon for her to hold while he pushed her.

once they reached the park , Dahwon kept staring at the sky. "those clouds , don't you just wanna touch them?" Dahwon smiled. "you won't be able to feel them even if you touch them." Minhee said. "but they look like little cotton balls." Dahwon said. Minhee stopped near a bench and sat down. "i'll buy cotton balls for you touch if you like that." Minhee chuckled. "that's not what i meant." Dahwon frowned.

"Minhee? thank you for being by my side." Dahwon smiled. "aw don't sweat it , you do remember the good times we had together right?" Minhee asked and Dahwon laughed. "of course. the first thing that popped up is how we passed little notes in class and the teacher thought we were up to no good when we were just doodling." Dahwon recalled making Minhee chuckle. "i also remember how pissed you were at me while you taught me math. that was just gold. all your dialect came out , it was just so funny." Dahwon said and Minhee frowned. "that's not funny."

"also at how we went to different tourist attractions to hang out after school? those were the good times." Dahwon sighed. "those were really the good times." Minhee chuckled. "can't forget how you were actually dumb at that one time when i was upset about having so many assignments and projects to complete and you told me for my birthday you'll be getting me a nintendo switch. but i told you nothing will make me happy and you really got me nothing on my birthday." Dahwon rolled her eyes.

"will you let those good times repeat itself?" Minhee asked , holding onto Dahwon's hand tightly. "i want to..but you can't force someone who needs to go to stay?" Dahwon said. the two of them kept quiet for some time until Dahwon felt weaker than she was before. in order to not make things obvious , Dahwon gathered every little strength she had inside her. "Minhee , can i sit next to you?" Dahwon asked and Minhee smiled. "sure , i'll help you." Minhee pushed the wheelchair close to the bench so Dahwon don't have to move too much.

Dahwon rested her head on Minhee's shoulder. "Minhee , can you sing for me?" Dahwon asked. "hmm sure , what song do you wanna hear?" Minhee asked. "pretty girl." Dahwon said. before Minhee started singing , Dahwon cut him off. "wait , before you start , i wanna let you know that i love you." Dahwon intertwined her hand with Minhee's. Minhee was blushing and he was glad Dahwon was at an angle where she can't see his pinkish cheeks. "me too. i love you too." Minhee said.

once Minhee started singing , Dahwon smiled and slowly closed her eyes feeling herself getting weaker each second.

after the chorus , Minhee stopped awhile. he expected Dahwon to ask why did he stop that voice wasn't heard. "Dahwon?" Minhee looked over to Dahwon and saw that her eyes were closed shut. he moved his free finger to her wrist , trying to feel a pulse but couldn't feel any. "Dahwon? please no..i can't lose you now..you're my everything.." Minhee choked on a lump he felt in his throat as he had the urge to cry. his grip around Dahwon's hand became tighter as he turned to give Dahwon a forehead kiss he never gave before.

"rest well Dahwon , hopefully we'll see each other soon. remember i love you."


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