Hangyul-I'll Be Next To You Pt.1

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Genre : Angst

Song : X1 I'm Here For You

requested by ShiningPeliksue

third person's pov
Hangyul walked into the funeral hall where he saw Eunwon sitting alone at the side , staring in front where her mother's portrait was seen. he sighed before walking towards her , taking a seat next to the empty space next to her. she was crying ; tear stained were visible on her cheeks. she looked lifeless.

there were relatives who came by to pay their respects earlier in the day but Eunwon is exhausted for the day. she lost her mom to cancer ; a thing her mom hid from her until she was at her last stage. her dad left her mom when she was only a baby so her mom raised her single-handedly. losing her mom meant Eunwon will have no one to live with. she's old enough to live by herself so going to the orphanage wasn't necessary. her mom passed the house that was under her name to Eunwon so she still has shelter above her head.

"you need to eat." Hangyul said to Eunwon who didn't leave her eyes off her mother's picture. "Eunwon-" "Hangyul oppa please leave me alone. i'm sorry but i have no appetite." Eunwon said without looking at him. Hangyul kept quiet but didn't leave her although she told him to. she didn't have breakfast , lunch and now she's skipping dinner.

for the whole night , Hangyul didn't leave her side. he didn't feel tired at all. Eunwon's eyelids were slowly shutting due to her weak body. before Hangyul could notice , Eunwon fainted towards the front on the floor. "Eunwon! Eunwon! wake up please!" Hangyul supported her head , shaking her body trying to wake her up. her eyes opened slowly but she couldn't speak at all. "wait here , i'll get you some water." Hangyul placed her head gently on the floor before heading to the green room ; grabbing a bottle of water. when he got back , she was still lying on the ground really weak. "here." he sat down and lifted her head to put on his thighs for her to rest before opening the bottle of water. "open up." he said supporting her chin to feed her the water. she gulped down the water which wasn't surprising since she didn't drink for a whole day.

"you need to rest Eunwon. your mom won't rest in peace seeing you like this." Hangyul said. Eunwon sighed loudly and tossed to lie on her side with some help from Hangyul. he let her sleep on his thigh , caressing her hair softly as she fell asleep soundly  ; still having tear stains on her cheeks. Hangyul was in pain seeing Eunwon so devastated. her exams are coming soon and this happened to her. god is totally not on her side. Hangyul bent his left knee and rested his head on it , falling asleep slowly.

time skip~

after the funeral , Eunwon headed back home with Hangyul following her. "i think you can leave now. thanks for being by my side these days. i appreciate it." Eunwon faked a smile before going into her house. Hangyul was reluctant to leave but knew she wanted to be alone so he left eventually. back at his own home , he couldn't stop thinking of Eunwon. to be more accurate , he was worried about her. Eunwon on the other hand was in her mother's room , clutching her portrait in her arms lying on the floor with tears flowing out of her eyes. "i miss you so much.." she sobbed. "i feel so lonely without you eomma..i wanna see you.." Eunwon's tears couldn't stop flowing out from her eyes the more she thought about her mom.

after a good moment of crying , she went to the toilet opening the cupboard above the sink. reaching out for the bottle of sleeping pills , she walked to her room and laid on her bed. she glanced at her pile of books she had on her table and smiled to herself. "looks like i won't have to bother studying anymore. anything can't be better than meeting my mom now." she poured a handful of pills and gulped them down with a glass of water before going to sleep.

Hangyul felt like he needed to go over to Eunwon's place to make sure she eats. he can't sleep without making sure she ate today. he rushed to her place and rang on her doorbell only to receive no answer from inside. "Eunwon?! are you in there?" Hangyul asked but still no answer. "i'm coming in!" he yelled before keying in the passcode to her door. when he went in , he looked around to see no sign of Eunwon. he did realise the door to the room of her mother's was open so he went in to see her mother's portrait on the ground by itself. "Eunwon?! where are you?!" he ran out of the room and went straight to her room to see her lying in bed under her covers. he sighed a sigh of relief thinking she's asleep. "you scared me! i thought you ran away from home or something-" he stopped his tracks after seeing the bottle of pills on her bedside table. after studying what the pills were in a few seconds , he dropped the bottle and called for paramedics immediately. "Eunwon..Eunwon no..please no..don't do this to me..please.." he begged while holding onto her hand tightly. "don't leave me..don't you ever dare..you don't get the chance to." Hangyul sobbed.

A/N : i'll be writing a part 2 for this since i didn't want to squeeze everything in one chapter it might go over 1500 words.

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