Seungwoo-Unwanted Pregnancy

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Genre : Angst

Song : NCT 127 Fly Away With Me

requested by _BaeHara_

third person's pov
"congratulations , you're 8 weeks pregnant miss Kang." the doctor smiled at Sohae as she read the report in her hand. "i-i'm pregnant?" Sohae asked. "yes , 8 weeks in fact. after all the analysis with your period being late , experiencing morning sickness and also the pregnancy test , it's proven you're pregnant." the doctor said.

"there's no way the report is wrong?" she asked and the doctor shaked her head. "is anything wrong? do you have a boyfriend?" the doctor asked and Sohae nodded. "who loves me a lot. but i'm not ready to be a mom." Sohae sighed. "that will always be an issue for every parent who is becoming one for the first time." the doctor said. "is it possible for an abortion?" Sohae asked.

"now darling , an abortion is a very serious choice and shouldn't be taken lightly. i'd suggest you speak about this with your boyfriend instead of coming with a conclusion of your own. it's his child too." the doctor said. Sohae sighed and had a troubled expression plastered on her face. "aw why that look? you'll be a perfect mom miss Kang. if you have any other issues , you can always talk to me over the phone if you have no one else to turn to. you have my number right?" the doctor asked and Sohae nodded. "then there's nothing to worry about. if anything goes wrong or if you have no one to turn to , you can always contact me. i'll help you to the best of my abilities." she smiled and Sohae nodded before she left the doctor's office.

Sohae sat and waited for the nurse to call for her to collect her medications and took out her ultrasound scan picture. "what do i do with you , little pumpkin.." she sighed. "miss Kang Sohae?" a nurse called out and Sohae went to collect her medications that can aid with her morning sickness. she went straight home and waited for Seungwoo to come back home from work.

time skip~

"hey , i need to talk to you." Sohae said pulling Seungwoo to the living room. "what is it?" he asked as they sat down. "you know how we've been together for 4 years right?" Sohae asked and Seungwoo smiled. "and we're still going strong." "yeah , but i need to tell you something that has been bugging me for the whole day." Sohae said. Seungwoo could sense her starting to be uncomfortable and scooted closer to hold her hand. "i-i..i'm pregnant.." Sohae managed to say it out without looking at him. "did you take the test?" Seungwoo asked immediately. "yeah." Sohae said. "without me?" Seungwoo asked. "i took it in the morning when you went to get breakfast." Sohae said. she did take a pregnancy test in the morning before she went to see the doctor since her doctor told her to take a test first.

"what the hell? why didn't you tell me earlier?" Seungwoo asked. "because i was in denial. i didn't want to believe it." Sohae said. "but if you took a test and it's positive , then you are." Seungwoo said. "but i didn't want to believe it. i just didn't think i wanna be pregnant." Sohae sighed. "come here , it'll all be okay." Seungwoo let Sohae snuggle her face into his chest as he caressed her hair. "are you upset?" Sohae asked with a little fear inside her. "i'm not upset actually i'm happy." Seungwoo smiled. "you are? but i'm scared." Sohae said , hugging Seungwoo even tighter. "that's okay , we'll pull through. we can handle a kid." Seungwoo said. "but we're not even married." Sohae said. "we'll get married eventually. you don't have to abort it." Seungwoo said.

they stayed like that a few minutes before Seungwoo backed away. "look at me Sohae , we can do this alright?" Sohae avoided eye contact with Seungwoo. "babe?" Seungwoo cupped her face and made her look up. "babe..i'm not ready to be a mom. and what would my parents do if they find out about my pregnancy? they'll force us to break up." Sohae said. "we've been together for 4 years Sohae , they won't be that against us now that we have proven we can stay together for so long. they initially didn't like us being together because they didn't like our age gap and believed we'll break up quickly but we proved them wrong. trust me and yourself , you'll be a great mom." Seungwoo said. "i'm only 20 Seungwoo. being a mom at 20 is too early for me." Sohae said. "do you love me?" Seungwoo asked. "of course i do." Sohae said. "then do you love our child?" Seungwoo asked. "yeah for sure." Sohae said and looked down after realising what she just said. "see? you love our child. do you even have the heart to abort him or her?" Seungwoo asked.

"how pregnant are you?" Seungwoo asked. "8 weeks." Sohae said. "we can get married before your baby bump appears so you can wear a pretty gown like you always wanted to on your big day." Seungwoo said. "what about my parents' approval?" Sohae asked. "we'll deal with that another time. can you just be happy that we have a little guy in there?" Seungwoo pat her belly which made Sohae chuckle. "it could be a little girl. and also , our child is in here." Sohae moved Seungwoo's hand to her lower abdomen. "see? filling your mind with our child keeps you positive right? don't worry Sohae , you'll be a great mom. you don't have to worry about anything else. we'll be great parents. i'll give you a wedding you'll never forget." Seungwoo pecked her forehead.

A/N : not really sure if this is much of an angst..and yes you read it right ; Sohae dated Seungwoo at the age of 16.

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