Junho-Deliberate Error

454 9 1

Genre : Fluff

Song : Red Velvet In & Out

requested by hsnx144

third person's pov
"dancers stand by please!" Mr Park said to Taejin and her friends who were going to perform really soon. she is part of the school's dance club and they had a performance to carry out in front of the whole school for Arts Appreciation Day. not everyone in the club is selected so only a few can perform. Taejin was going to have about 30 seconds of solo stage among the other 4 dancers. they were going to perform ITZY's Dalla Dalla and Wannabe but to not make it just completely choreography , their instructor decided to add in solo break dances in between the songs for each dancer.

it might sound like a good thing for a dancer ; to have her own solo break dance out of all your dance mates. this was a totally different story for Taejin who had stage fright. performing in front of an audience with her dance mates and performing alone is really different. to her , if she performs with her dance mates , she'll feel like only a few are paying attention to her since the attention is spreaded among all the performers. however , performing by herself means all eyes will be on her only and the thought of that just makes her anxiety level go up.

"you'll do fine Taejin." Yeongjin said to her. "i sure hope so." Taejin sighed. before she had to put her phone away with the rest , she saw a text from Junho was received.

good luck Taejin! you'll do great!
i'll be cheering for you!

i sure hope so , thanks anyways :>

after putting her phone away , Taejin went to join her friends at the side of the stage. once their dance club was introduced by the emcee , the five girls got on stage and stood in position. the whole performance up to the first two solo stages in Dalla Dalla received many cheers from the audience. the third solo stage was after Dalla Dalla and before Wannabe. Taejin couldn't help but feel like her heart was about to drop out of her chest because her solo stage was next in the middle of Wannabe's stage. her hands were starting to shake and her close friend Yeongjin noticed it. she placed her hand on top of Taejin's to calm her down before they started performing Wannabe.

when the time for Taejin's solo came , she danced like her stage fright never existed. although she couldn't hear , Junho was cheering for her so loudly in the audience. there were also cheers from her other friends and classmates. Junho was so proud of Taejin because she performed perfectly well.

after the performance , Taejin and her friends went to the dance studio so they could remove their make up and change out of their costumes. the assembly ended shortly after their performance so Junho made his way to the dance studio with a bouquet of flowers he bought during break time for Taejin.

when he was outside of the dance studio , he called Taejin since only the dancers know the passcode into the studio.

"Taejin? i'm outside the studio now." Junho said after she picked up the call. "alright , give me a minute and i'll be outside." Taejin said and hung up. Taejin quickly came out of the studio to meet Junho to which she widened her eyes at the bouquet that caught her eyes almost immediately. "did someone give this to you?" she asked. "this? oh no , this is for you." Junho chuckled and handed the flowers to Taejin. "what for?" she giggled , accepting the flowers. "to congratulate you , you overcame your stage fright." Junho said. "thank you." she smiled.

a small letter among the bouquet caught her eyes and she took it out to read it. 'be my love.' was what the letter had. Taejin froze after reading the letter. "what's wrong?" Junho asked. "is this some kind of error?" Taejin asked , showing the letter to Junho. "oh , i think so." Junho smiled nervously. "oh , what a funny error to make." she chuckled. "or is it really an error?" Junho mumbled but Taejin managed to hear it. "sorry?" she asked. "figure it out. does it look like it's an error or a deliberate one?" Junho asked. Taejin read his expression which was hard to read since his face was close to being expressionless.

"well , judging from your red ears and nervous smile , i think this must be a deliberate mistake." Taejin smiled and Junho immediately reached to cover his ears. "they're red?" he asked making Taejin laugh. "so , do i need to answer the letter?" Taejin asked. "there's no yes or no Taejin. the words on the letter form a sentence , not a question." Junho said. "so i guess i have no choice but to be Mr Cha's girlfriend then." Taejin sighed acting like she didn't like it at all. "thank for the flowers , they're beautiful." Taejin took a step and kissed Junho on the cheek , making his cheeks flushed.


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