Seungyeon-Tell Me How You Like It

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Genre : Smut

Song : WayV Love Talk (English Ver.)

requested by Wannakimi

third person's pov
Seungyeon was staying over at his girlfriend , Kim's place today since he was too tired to travel back to his home. Seungyeon was chilling on the sofa watching television while Kim was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen.

Kim was gonna take a shower so she walked out of the kitchen with the intention of going to the bedroom and get her clothes. "hey cinderella." Seungyeon said when she walked past. "cinderella? why cinderella? i like jasmine more." Kim said. "why? because i see those clothes coming off by midnight." Seungyeon smirked. "kinky huh?" Kim chuckled before she went to take a shower.

after her quick shower , she joined Seungyeon on the sofa. he wasn't watching television anymore since he was distracted by his game on his phone. Kim took the remote control to change the channel but it was lagging again like usual. "urgh really?" Kim started banging the remote control on the table aggressively to make it work again since that always works. "woah woah , don't be mean to the remote control. would you like it if i bang you on the table like this?" Seungyeon said.

Kim froze and started tapping the remote control lightly before it started working again. Seungyeon smirked to himself at how flustered Kim was. when the remote control worked , Kim turned the television off and faced herself to Seungyeon. "i'm thinking you'd be down to do it?" Kim touched Seungyeon's chin making him look at her as she gave him a seductive look. "are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Seungyeon smirked.

"i guess i'm already used to your roughness." Kim smiled. "tell me how you like it babe." Seungyeon. "i like it original." Kim whispered into his ear turning him on so badly. "okay baby , make it fast." Seungyeon stood up and turned Kim around roughly. he pulled her shorts down along with her panty before undressing himself below as well. "we'll make it fast yeah?" he asked before positioning himself at her entrance.

without giving her time to get used to his size , he just started thrusting fast giving her nothing but pain at first. once she started feeling the pleasure , she moaned instead of groaning in pain. Seungyeon's growls were heard with every thrust.

"your butt bounces everytime i thrust in , that's hot." Seungyeon groaned. he smacked her ass and gripped her shoulders to bring her body closer to him. when he was close , he pulled out of her and pushed her around onto the table before thrusting into her again. "told you , banging on the table is painful. don't do that the remote control from now on or you'll get it from me." Seungyeon smacked her thigh making Kim wince in pain.

when Kim was close , she started moving about making Seungyeon a little frustrated. "stop moving! i'm cumming soon!" Seungyeon raised his voice , scaring Kim. Kim just let Seungyeon do his thing and came together with him. the two of them were panting heavily now.

Seungyeon pulled Kim off the table and rested her onto his body as he leaned back on the sofa. "if this is what i get everytime i hit the remote control , i'll gladly do so." Kim smiled. "bad girl." Seungyeon smacked her ass. "that hurts! stop doing that!" Kim hit his chest. "exactly why you should not hit the remote control!" Seungyeon said.

"is the remote control your secret lover or something? why are you so protective over it?" Kim chuckled. "it's to prepare you for our future children ; so you won't hit them so harshly." Seungyeon said. "oh please , i won't do that to my own children- when are we even getting married why are we talking about having babies?" Kim asked. "well..i forgot to use protection..?" Seungyeon said making Kim jump up. "are you serious?!" Kim asked. "don't tell me you're not on your pills?" Seungyeon asked. "i'm not!" Kim said. "well then maybe prepare for our wedding..?" Seungyeon said.

"Cho Seungyeon! i'm not ready to be a mom!" Kim hit Seungyeon's arm. "ow! i was just kidding! but don't you wanna start a family with me?" Seungyeon pouted. "i want to , but just not now. i want to spend more time alone with you. children can wait ; we're still young." Kim smiled.


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