Yohan-A Hard Goodbye Pt. 1

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Genre : Angst

Song : CIX/W1 Bae Jinyoung Hard To Say Goodbye

requested by imdyinghere

third person's pov


"we should break up. it's for the best." Eunyeon said between her tears. "can't we..not? it's not easy for me Eunyeon.." Yohan begged crying while holding onto her hands , hoping this will prevent her from leaving him. "you have a bright future that can't be ruined by me. thank you for being by my side for 3 years and i love you Yohan." Eunyeon said , pushing his hand away that was gripped tightly on hers ; disappearing from Yohan's eyes. Yohan looked at her back , getting smaller as she walked further and further away. he was dying to go after her but know that if he did so , he'll look possessive. he gave up and cried walking home.

end of flashback

Eunyeon broke up with Yohan a month ago because he was picked as the center of famous rookie group , X1. she initiated this break up between the two of them , now that he's a famous idol. after hearing so many idols suffer from criticism more than support , she feared this might happen to Yohan if the public found out about their relationship. she did it because she wanted to protect him. she was aware about his dreams of being an idol even though his family wants him to do taekwondo when they first got together. he continued with his taekwondo training for 2 more years until he decided he can't drag time anymore. she supported him , even though she knew she'll have to let him go once he debuts. who knew he was going to be the nation's 4th center. she was happy for him , but also sad for herself. now she has to share her boyfriend with tons of girls. or maybe , ex-boyfriend.

the both of them always wonder how are the opposites feeling without them. in the midst of his preparation for his debut with X1 , he always thinks about her. how was she? was she doing well? is she happy? is she sad? so many questions but so little answers. Yohan always kept himself busy with practice. when all his members were back at the dormitory resting after a full day of practice , he would stay back at the dance studio to continue dancing which weirdly helps him not think of Eunyeon. his ankle was already crippling and was told to not dance for a few days so he can perform their song. during their practices , Yohan was forced to sit aside and watch the members practice. at that period of time , he can't take his mind off Eunyeon. his bubbly personality in front of the camera was not reflected in the dance studio which caught the members' attention. after bugging him for a long time , he finally spilled everything out to them ; while bawling his eyes out.

Eunyeon on the other side was doing a little better than Yohan because although she misses him badly , she can look up online for videos than showed his funny moments. she just had access to anything fans posted about Yohan so whenever she misses him , it wasn't a problem for her. she still visits Yohan's family members because he no longer lived with them. they loved her like her own and she loved them too. Yohan's younger sisters always ask Eunyeon if Yohan still keeps in touch with her and a lie always comes out from her mouth. she just can't bring herself to tell them the truth. she can't break two young girls' hearts. she always asked herself if he was eating well while preparing for his debut. his dream was coming true. and she was happy ; for him.

Yohan feels awkward that the two of them who were happy can no longer see each other. he just can't accept the end. he has been trying to contact her. calling her isn't gonna work because she just leaves the phone ringing away. texting her was also not working because she will just read it without texting back.

but for once , she picked up the call. right by Yohan's side were his members who were excited for him after hearing she picked his phone call. "hey." Eunyeon's voice was heard. that sounded like melody to his ears. how badly he missed this voice. "Eunyeon , you finally picked up." Yohan said. "yeah , i wanted to congratulate you on your debut. your dream is coming true. i'm happy for you." Eunyeon said. her voice was choppy , as if she was holding back her tears. "t-thanks..but if i knew i had to give you up for my dream to come true , i would have never auditioned to be a trainee and end up where i am now. we can still date secretly Eunyeon , i miss you so much i think i'm going to go mad anytime." Yohan begged. "Yohan , you know how risky it is for idols to date secretly. it might ruin your career if you're busted. i don't want your dream to go down the drain because of me. it's good that i made way for your dream to come true but i don't wanna be the cause for it to downfall." Eunyeon said. the other members felt sad seeing Yohan cry before them.

"i-i'm sorry to you.." Yohan sobbed. he could hear Eunyeon crying on the other end as well. "i'm still taking care of your family so don't you worry about them. just focus on your career." Eunyeon said. "Eunyeon i promise you. i'll earn enough money , retire from this industry and let everyone know that i belong to you from the start."


A/N : kinda proud of this (shameless haha) probably the best Angst fanfic i've wrote so far

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