Hangyul-School Drama Pt. 1

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Genre : AU

Song : BTS Love Maze

requested by FunAmaliaLOL

third person's pov
"Chaesoo!" Twyla surprised her when she closed her locker door. "oh my , that was scary." Chaesoo said sarcastically. "come on , how am i unable to scare you everytime i try to?" Twyla pouted. "well you just said it , you do it everytime." Chaesoo chuckled. while they walked down the corridor of lockers , they saw a familiar looking girl who was walking towards them. "i smell trouble.." Twyla sighed. "oh look who is this dirty girl here." Hyewon said when she reached in front of Chaesoo and Twyla. "why don't you stay away from this filthy student miss Twyla." Hyewon pushed Twyla away.

"hey , you're the filthy one here." Twyla snapped back earning a glare from Hyewon. "so Chaesoo , i heard that you auditioned to be an idol but you failed." Hyewon said loudly making everyone in the corridor have their attention on them. "what? i didn't-" "oh don't be shy , everyone fails at any point of their lives. it's okay to fail , but it's not okay to cover it up." Hyewon smirked. "what are you talking about?" Chaesoo asked. "still don't wanna admit? i know you offered to sleep with the CEO just so you can become a trainee." Hyewon said. "Lee Hyewon , i don't understand a single thing you're saying!" Chaesoo raised her voice. "still feigning ignorance , how shameless. the CEO is old enough to be your dad but you offered to sleep with him? you're out of your mind." Hyewon cackled away as the people started whispering to one another while giving looks at Chaesoo. "it's not true! i never auditioned for anything! i was never interested on being a trainee or an idol!" Chaesoo said trying the clear things up.

while Hyewon was smirking proudly walking her way , she suddenly got pulled aside by a strong grip. "you scared me idiot!" she gave Hangyul , her best friend a slap on his back. "and that hurt! why did you do that?" Hangyul asked. "do what? i didn't do anything." Hyewon lied. "lie to me one more time and i'll not talk to you for a week." Hangyul said. "urgh fine! i did it because i hate her , happy?" Hyewon rolled her eyes. "but you just caused a ruckus! it's not some embarrassing thing like she didn't flush the toilet or something but something like she slept with someone? you're too much Hyewon." Hangyul said. "why are you so worked up about it? you know i'm jealous that she's loved by so many people in the school and you sided me with that. now you're telling me off when i did something that just made me feel good? why? do you like her or something?" Hyewon asked annoyed. "yes! yes i like her! have a problem with that? you just ruined your best friend's crush's life in highschool! thanks Hyewon!" Hangyul walked away angrily , ignoring Hyewon's calls.

Hyewon looked back and saw Chaesoo on the floor , sobbing while Twyla comforted her. "did i make a mistake?" Hyewon asked herself. "no you didn't , she was happy and you weren't. now she's not and you are. Hangyul will just be mad at me for a couple of days and we'll be talking again. it'll be fine." Hyewon shaked those thoughts away.

"oh Chaesoo.." Twyla sighed seeing her best friend tearing up. "let's go yeah? we need to be away from the crowd." Twyla helped Chaesoo up and brought her to the girls' toilet. "it isn't true Twyla , i really didn't-" Chaesoo was agitated really bad now. "i know Chaesoo , i trust you. i'm your best friend , i know you better than anyone does. i'll be here for you." Twyla smiled. "thank you Twyla." Chaesoo gave her a hug. "you okay to go back class now?" Twyla asked and Chaesoo nodded. both of them made their way back to class when they saw Hangyul standing outside. Twyla knew about Chaesoo's feelings for him and also knew that Hangyul is friends with Hyewon. "hey , look i wanna apologise for whatever Hyewon did to you. she's just being childish , i'll clear the rumours up so don't worry." Hangyul stood in front of the two girls. "thank you but if that is going to make things worse , i'd suggest you leave us alone and go bother about your best friend." Twyla said.

"i promise i'll clear it up." Hangyul said. Chaesoo didn't look at him at all and walked into her class. she was too tired to listen to anything else. Hangyul went into class and sat at his seat where he could see almost everyone staring at Chaesoo. it was bothering him as much as it was bothering Chaesoo. "okay i had enough , all of you stop staring at Chaesoo! she did not do whatever Hyewon said she did. i know Hyewon better than any of you and she was being a childish girl , jealous of Chaesoo who was loved by everyone and not her. Chaesoo never was interested in idol life so it doesn't make any sense if she went to audition for trainee life. i apologise on behalf of Hyewon's chicken actions but i hope you guys can leave Chaesoo alone." Hangyul sat back down after saying what he wanted.

Chaesoo looked at Hangyul who was staring at his table. everyone trusted Hangyul and stopped making Chaesoo uncomfortable. "hey , how did he know you're not interested in idol life?" Twyla whispered. "i don't know and don't wanna think about it." Chaesoo sighed. when Hyewon entered the class , everyone stared at her. she sensed their stares and tried to ignored it. she sat at her seat and pretended to fiddle with her things. "lying about things to comfort your jealous heart? dumb thing to do." a guy said when walking past her. Hyewon heard it but pretended she didn't. she then turned around and looked at Hangyul who gave her a glare back before looking away.

after school , Chaesoo was on her way home without knowing someone was following her. Twyla couldn't accompany her since they didn't live near each other. "Chaesoo!" Hangyul called out after contemplating for awhile. she turned around and widened her eyes upon seeing Hangyul running towards her. "going somewhere?" he asked. "where else but home? why? do you think i'm going to the CEO's place to sleep with him?" Chaesoo blurted out by accident , hurting Hangyul. "i-i didn't mean to..i'm just still really bothered by what happened." Chaesoo said. "it's okay , i understand." Hangyul said. "wanna go to the convenience store and grab a bite? i'm all alone for lunch." Hangyul offered. "sure , i'm alone too." Chaesoo said.

they walked further down the street and entered the convenience store. the two of them grabbed a ramyun cup of their choice and started cooking it after paying for it. the two sat by the window and started eating. "i'm sorry for whatever Hyewon did. i'm never gonna forget what she did t someone i care so much for." Hangyul told Chaesoo. "you care for me?" Chaesoo asked. "i- um..well , yeah. classmates you know." Chaesoo felt like her heart broke when she heard him say he cared for her as a classmate. "oh , thanks." Chaesoo said. "we can walk home together after this if it's alright with you." Hangyul said. "how do you know i live around here?" Chaesoo asked leaving Hangyul speechless. "um.." Hangyul sighed. "you got me , i saw you walk down the streets when i was on my home. i wasn't stalking you though , you live near my place!" Hangyul was panicking and that was making Chaesoo laugh. "i think i should turn back and take a look sometimes , so i won't be stalked unknowingly." Chaesoo teased. "i wasn't stalking.." Hangyul muttered. "i was just kidding , let's go. we have homework to complete. i don't like staying up late to complete them." Chaesoo smiled. "if you don't mind , we can do our homework together." Hangyul said. "at the library near here?" Chaesoo asked and Hangyul smiled nodding. "well , sure. i don't see why not." Chaesoo smiled.


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