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Humans... There was just something about them. They've always fascinated Roman. He didn't really know why but... they did. Maybe it was their mortality? Their short lives... They way they spent each moment. Or maybe it was their imagination... Roman was the god creativity, after all. His flame spurred artistic movement like a muse to the word. He would spend his moments watching the masterpieces those humans would make. All it takes is a tiny spark and suddenly the world is filled with song.

Roman loved it. He loved watching the humans below him. He loved watching this particular human the most. His name was William. He was this... amazing play write. The things he put to paper... Roman would just sit there and watch the man as he wrote. He'd listen to the words and just melt into the scenes. He was his favorite. 

Eventually, he found himself watching him all the time. Watching how his life progressed... He felt happy when William was. Sad when he was not. Angry when Will was ridiculed... Roman's every moment slowly began to focus on that man. He was enraptured.

"It's a pity, Brother." Roman tensed as his eyes darted over to find glowing green eyes from the shadows. "To be so in love and yet never able to be with them."

"Remus?" Roman's nerves were alight. He stumbled back away from his orb as the familiar form of his brother slowly stepped into the light. "I thought you were cast out?!"

"I was." Remus smirked as he meandered about letting his fingers brush against the orb just as William began to jump for joy in the image that was shown in it. "I'm still a god, Roman. Where exactly were they planning on sending me?"

"It's own fault for falling for a demon Remus." The darker god didn't even look up at that. He just smiled as he watched the image in the orb carefully.

"And you fell for a human. At least you can be with your love..." Roman's eyes narrowed as Remus laughed quietly. "...with help anyway."

"What are you talking about?" Remus smiled as he peered through the orb making it look like William was smiling at him as he looked over at Roman.

"I can help you." Roman's eyes widened a bit as Remus moved away from the orb wrapping his arm around his brother. "I can get you closer to him, Roman. It's simple really."

"Then why not help yourself?" Roman pulled away from Remus with this defiant expression but Remus could see the hope in his eyes. "Why not make it so you can see that Demon then?"

"Becoming more human is far easier than becoming more demonic, brother." Roman's eyes narrowed as Remus just smiled. "Besides, I will see him... someday. My concern is not for myself but for you. No one should have to experience this, Roman. If you love him... you should be with him."

"I don't..." Remus sighed hearing Roman's voice trail off a bit with a frown. "... much."

"Let me help you." Roman flinched back as Remus reached out for him and narrowed his eyes. "Roman, please..."

"How EXACTLY could you help me, Remus? I'm a god... a divine being. We can't interact with humans." Remus smiled as his hand slowly moved to the shell around his neck. Roman's eyes went wide as it started to glow.

"I can make you more human, dear brother. All I need in return is a small bit of your divinity." Roman started backing up shaking his head as Remus just sighed in annoyance. "Come on, it's simple and easy. You give up your divinity and you can leave. You can be with this man, Roman."

"No... What's in it for you anyway?" Remus's eyes flashed as he walked back over to the orb. "What do you get out of this?"

"Don't worry about what I get, Roman. You should be focusing on what you get." Remus let his hand rest on the orb with a devious smirk as the image of William zoomed-in allowing Roman to see the bright smile he had. "Think about it, Roman. Just a piece of your divinity and you could could be with him." The image shifted to show Roman with William holding him in a soft embrace. "This is a one time offer, brother. Humans... They have such short lives." The image changed again showing a funeral and Roman couldn't hold back his choked gasp. "Next time you look down he might be gone. Don't waste this chance, brother."

"But... How exactly would it work?" Remus smiled as Roman slowly inched closer. "I'm a god. I can't..."

"Roman, I told you. It's simple. By giving up your divinity you are essentially turning your self human." Roman's eyes went wide as Remus took his brother's hand, this time without the other flinching. "I can't make you completely human. You are a god after all. You'll still have a much longer lifespan than him... you won't be immortal either but... you can leave this stupid place and finally be with the one you love." Roman looked away clearly thinking it over as Remus just smiled and waited. "Essentially, you'll be no different than those demi's."

"What happens to my divinity? Is it just forever forfeit?" Roman was shaking. His eyes slowly met with Remus and he jumped seeing how they seemed to spark with electricity. "Remus?"

"Of course not, brother. This is only to get you out of here. Once you get down there simply get the one you love to kiss you and all your divinity with be returned. You'll never have to come back once you there. Just like Thomas... you can be free Roman. Free to be with that human... free to love..." Roman sighed as he hugged himself a bit. It was hard to say no at this point. "All it takes a bit of your divinity... and a kiss to get it back."

"Once I give it up... I can never return home until I get it back." Roman's eyes narrowed as his mind spiraled. "And you're certain I'll get it back?" Remus only nodded.

"I give my word. Your divinity will return to you with a kiss from the man you love." Roman tensed as he bit his lip. His eyes darted back to the orb now seeing William smiling again and his chest tightened. Remus smirked as he held his hand out summoning a scroll and quill. "All it takes is a signature." Roman seemed to deflate as Remus held the quill out. His eyes narrowed as he held his head down in defeat. "You'll never have to watch from an orb again, Roman."

"Where do I sign?"

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