Chap. 58 { Shooting Him.. }

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I'm Going To Be Skipping A Lot Now In Years Because I Have More Stuff In Mind To Write About , But The Kids Have To Be Older . So From This Point On , There's Going To Be A Lot Of Skipping ..

A Year Later...

I was sitting at my desk filling out some paperwork

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I was sitting at my desk filling out some paperwork. While I was filling that out, Makayla walked in with her iPad.

"I have something to show you." She said. She turned the iPad and a picture of August was showing.

"Okay it's a picture of August, so what?" I asked.

"Tey, this was this morning! One of my friends sent this to me and said to show you! She said this was at the pool lounge in the city. What you wanna do? Wanna go over there?" She asked.

I didn't know what to think at the moment. Seeing this picture, I am "happy" but I'm also nervous. It's been a year since I've seen Carter and I really really miss him.

No phone calls or anything.

I don't even know what he looks like anymore. Knowing August, he probably changed the way he looks.

I'm extremely pissed off at August and I just want to face him myself.

"Send me the address." I stood up from my desk.

"Wait, you're going right now? Don't you want me to call Chris and -"

"No! I have to handle this myself! I'm tired of asking for help with this son of a bitch and then getting people hurt! I got myself in this mess, now I have to get out of it. Along with my child." I said turning back around leaving out my office.

I walked outside to my truck then unlocked the doors. Getting inside, I started my truck.

Just then, something loud hit the window making me jump. I looked up seeing Makayla.

"Girl what the hell!?!" I said rolling the window down.

"I'm coming with you." She said.

"Makayla, I told you I'm -"

"I don't care! It's my decision and I'm coming! I already told Lyn to watch the store!" She yelled cutting me off. I watched as she walked around the truck getting inside.

"You sure you wanna do this?" I asked her.

"He might be dangerous and everything but August never scared me." She said buckling up. "Well...A little. But you know I'm still a fucking gangsta."

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