Chap. 11 { Moving In.. }

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Hours Later...

"What are we going to do about them?" I asked Tae looking out the window.

He sighed, "I don't even know. We need to - Wait, maybe you can talk them into leaving." He said standing up looking at me.

"What? Like they'll believe me." I scoffed shaking my head.

"You one of the closest people to Aug! They might believe you. Just be like he said they can leave for the night and that he was going to pay them extra. While you do that, I'm going to head upstairs to the office and turn off the cameras." He explained.

As this was all starting to come to reality to me, I grew nervous. This is some dangerous water we're dipping in and I'm scared as hell. I don't know any of those dudes outside.

What if they don't believe me?

What if they call August and then what?

Then what's my ass!

"Tey, you hear me?" Tae asked.

I snapped out my thoughts looking at him. "Y-Yeah..Just nervous." I said fiddling with my fingers looking out the window then back at Tae.

"You got this. Go head so I can sneak up there and make this quick. The quicker, the better, the faster we leave." He said and I nodded.

* * * * * * * * *

"Hey guys, y'all want a snack?" I asked walking outside with a tray of fruit. I regret giving this fruit away because I really wanted it, but who cares.

"Thanks Teyana." They said taking something off the tray.

"Yeah. You guys been out here all day and night. Enjoy!" I smiled and begin walking away as if I was going back inside. "Oh wait! I forgot to tell y'all, August said you can have the night off." I smiled

They all stopped laughing and talking and looked at me. I gulped looking at them all. They all had guns in their hands and were all big and buff.

Looked like a family of monkeys. Just different shades.

"When he said that? I never got a call." One of the guys said looking at his phone.

"Yea. He called me like an hour ago. He said that you guys can leave because he was going to be coming back tonight. The party got cancelled because of the weather. Bummer right?" They looked at each other. "You sure he -"

"Do I have to repeat myself!?! I fucking hate repeating myself!" I yelled at all of them.

"Just because you fucking August don't mean you gotta be a lil bitch.." I snapped my neck in the dude's direction.

"You wanna say that one last time?" I mugged the hell out of him.

"Alright!" One of them said standing between me and the guy. "Ice, What the fuck wrong with you!?! She pregnant!" He yelled.

"No, don't even worry bout it. I'll just make sure to let August know what he called me when he calls me back." I smirked looking at the guy.

They all started mumbling stuff. I started walking back to the house. Getting inside, Tae was just coming downstairs.

"Alright, Chris nem just said they landed. The message should be getting to this phone in a good minute so they need to get here now. Otherwise, them niggas coming through this bitch." He pointed outside. I sighed getting even more nervous.

"One of them just called me a bitch." I told him shaking my head watching as they all got into black SUVs and drove away from the house.

"Damn, that's tuff." Tae laughed. "Got ya bags ready?" He asked.

I nodded looking at my suitcase at the door. "Not much, but it's enough. I'll restock my wardrobe when I get back to the house." I chuckled feeling myself tear up a bit. "I can't believe I'm really getting out of here. After 5 long ass years. Feels like getting out a jail almost." I laughed and so did Tae.

"Your free." He said rubbing my shoulders. "You told him about the baby?"

I shook my head. "I honestly don't even know if I want to keep the baby.." I said. He frowned.


"It's not Chris's child. Plus I haven't told him, he's going to be really hurt. I know it. Then the baby is going to have to meet his real dad some day. August is too dangerous. I don't want to be around him after this day. At all."

"I mean, i get that but you can't kill an innocent life because of this. It's not the baby's fault. And yeah Chris might be upset, but he'll understand. I'm sure once it wear off, he'll treat the baby as if he or she was his. And I know the kids are going to be excited to have a little brother or sister." He grinned.

"Another baby though, that's a lot. And now since we're doing this, it's going to be hell keeping the baby safe! He's so excited to be a dad, he'll kill me when he finds out I not only escaped, but I'm taking our child away with me. I don't know what to do!" I cried sitting on the couch.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay." Tae held me in his arms. I just bawled crying.

Next thing you know, his phone begin ringing. I sat up watching him answer the call.

"Wassupp, y'all around?" He asked. He stood up. "Aight good good, just pull up and -"

Then my phone started ringing. My heart dropped seeing August's name on the caller ID. I answered it putting it on speaker.




To Be Continued...

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