Chap. 84 { Go Time... }

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30 Minutes Later....

"DaDaaa!" Carter screamed as he pointed to the sky.

"You like they fire crackers?" He asked Carter, picking him up looking up at the sky. My lil cousin was adorable. He looks like August, but he also looks like Teyana.

Sometimes when I look at the kid, I just think back to how he could've been my son. I don't know what the fuck I would've did if he was actually my son. I'm not ready for no kid.

At all.

- - - - -

I was watching the fire crackers when my phone vibrated in my hand. I looked at it seeing a text message from Tony.

Tony: " Lets go. "

I sighed putting the phone in my pocket and walked in the house. I went to the bathroom real quick to check myself out.

I took a deep breath and then made sure my gun was ready and loaded. I kissed it real quick then put it back on my belt. I texted Tony back telling him that I was about to get August alone and that they could start moving in slowly. I didn't want them getting seen by anybody.

As I was walking out, Randy was right there.

Why the fuck this nigga keep popping up outta no where?

"Damn! Nigga you can't keep popping up on me like that!" I said and he laughed.

"Is it time?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. Ima distract August and bring him by the water and stuff. Talk my fake sentimental shit to him, meanwhile you gonna get the baby and pretend like you following us, but really you gonna turn and you should see Teyana nem walking along the beach." I explained to him and he nodded. "Aight lets go," I said walking past him.

"Wait," He said. I turned around facing him. "What I get outta this?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I mean I guess I'll give you a mill or two." I answered and he smiled nodding.

- - - - -

I walked outside and downed my alcohol. "Yo Aug! Lemme talk to you man." I said approaching him.

He turned back looking at me, "Wassup Weez." He said kissing Carter's check.

"I wanna talk to you about something. Privately. Can we go by the water? I don't want nobody knowing." I insisted.

"Yeah. Hollup lemme put him down." He put Carter down and we started walking to the water. "So what's up?"

"Man I just wanna thank you so much man..."


I watched as Weezy and August started walking away. I then picked up Carter. He just looked at me.

"Wassupp Buddy." I smiled at him.

"There's my grand baby!" Sheila said appearing outta no where trying to take Carter from me.


"Hollup baby, I'm finna go meet Aug nem out there by the water. Weezy wanted to tell him sum and Aug wanted me to go with him. You know, for safety." I said and she frowned nodding.

"You sure babe, I can watch him." She said reaching for Carter.

"I got him baby. Go have fun." I faked smiled and kissed her lips.

"Well let me give my grand baby a kiss." She kissed Carter and I started walking away to the water. As I was getting a little closer to them I looked to my left seeing some people walking our way.

I stopped in my tracks, looked behind to see if anybody was watching. I then turned to the side and started jogging their way.

"Omg.." I heard a female say as we got closer.

I'm guessing that's Teyana.

"Dada.." Carter said. I turned back looking at Weezy and August. August's back was to me but once he heard Carter's voice, he turned around.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled.

"FUCK!" I yelled and started running holding onto Carter. He started crying of course in my arms.


"We brothers man. No bad blood between us any -"

"Dada!" I heard my son yell. I turned around seeing Randy jogging with Carter in his arms.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled. He started running faster. I reached for my gun to shoot his ass.

"AYO WEEZY HELP ME MAN! HE SNAKING ME!" I yelled trying to aim for his legs. I wasn't trying to take no risk and  shoot my son.


I heard behind me. I frowned.

"Drop the fucking gun Aug.." Weezy said and I felt something cold touch my scalp.

"Weezy..." I said. I turned around slowly seeing this nigga WEEZY, MY OWN BLOOD COUSIN, THAT I FORGAVE, pointing a gun at me. "You with them?" I asked. My heart was really racing right now. I didn't know what to do honestly. I felt trapped.

I never felt this feeling before.

"DROP THE GUN!" He yelled. I dropped the gun and it landed in the water.

"The fuck is this?" I asked him. He was really pissing me off.

"August, let me explain something to you. You fucked my life up. You almost paralyzed me nigga, you get that? YOU ALMOST PARALYZED ME! You really thought I was gonna forget that?" He asked laughing.

"You went against the bro code.." I answered.

"Man whatever! I don't care about none of that shit! You fucked my life up, almost killing me! Now, it's my turn.." He smirked. "Say ya prayers blood..." He said.

I sighed closing my eyes. I couldn't get out this. There's no where to run or anything. If I'm going to die right here, at least my son won't witness it.



To Be Continued.....

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