Chap. 56 { Taking My Son.. }

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Okay Updates Aren't Going To Be As Daily As They Use To Be .. I'm Going To Do My Best Though ...


The Next Day...

I woke Carter up making him some breakfast. "Dada!" He yelled slapping his hands on his little table in his high chair.

"Alright bud, here you go." I put some eggs on the little table and then put his cup of milk next to him. He loves milk.

While eating, the doorbell rung. I got up walking to the door. Opening it, my mom and Henry were on the other side.

"Hi! We brought gifts!" She smiled raising the gift bags.

"You can put them in that room right there." I pointed and she walked in. "Wassup Henry," I said dapping him up.

"Sup Aug. Where's the little one?" Just then, Carter started screaming. I looked back seeing him trying to reach for his bottle which was on the floor. I laughed turning back to Henry.

"Starting his shit." I said closing the door behind him. I went to the kitchen picking Carter up out his high chair and then grabbed his bottle giving it to him. "Go to grandma real quick while I go get ready." I approached my mom and she smiled looking and holding her hands out to him. He looked at her and happily went into her arms.

"Alright ima go get dressed. If you want, you can start dressing him too. His clothes are on his crib, I shouldn't be too long. Henry, ima need to to hold it down, down here. You can do that? People should start coming in a little while."

"Boy I've been a police officer at prisons and jails for years, I got this."

We laughed and then went upstairs.

* * * * * *

"Alright, go play." I said putting Carter down. He took off wobbling to the bounce house castle. "AYE WOO, WATCH HIM!" I told one of my lil cousins.

Everyone was now here at the party. Family and friends were here and everyone is enjoying the party.

"Yo Aug! Where ya twin at man? Got something for him!" I turned around facing Trey.

"Aw shit, wassam Trey! Long time no see man!" I said and we dapped. Trey my boy. Haven't seen him a long as time.

I know he's cool with Christophe and allat, but he knows not to cross me or try any slick shit on me.

"I'm saying! Ayee, wassupp Carter! Happy birthday big boy." He said shaking Carter's hand and he smiled. "Lil nigga look just like you." He laughed closing the door behind him.

I kissed Carter's forehead. "August!" I turned around facing my mama. She held out the phone to me.

"Take him right quick. Lemme go see who this is." I told Trey. He took Carter from me. He started whining and reaching back for me.

"You might wanna get him. I don't know shit about babies." He said and I laughed taking Carter back. I went to my mama in the dining room taking the phone from her.

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