Chap. 59

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"What she thought this nigga was gon stop for her or something?" Devon asked sitting down at the table

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"What she thought this nigga was gon stop for her or something?" Devon asked sitting down at the table. I grabbed a chip dipping it in my salsa.

"Man I don't fucking know. She been crying all night and everything." I said shaking my head.

I was meeting Devon, Vincent, and Geno at Chilis to talk to them about what happened with Teyana yesterday.

"Well at least we know he out here. This is our chance to get his ass and get Carter back." Geno said.

"Last time we did that, we almost got killed by some niggas in trucks working for him. You think it's going to be easy now?" Vincent said.

"Nigga we like the Fast and Furous cast! You know nobody never catch us and we slick as fuck!" Geno laughed. "With a good plan, we could find where they at and bring em down. The police not doing they job right." He said shaking his head eating.

"Who the chick was that seen him?" Geno asked.

I shrugged, "Ion know. Think Teyana said some chick named Verna."

Geno laughed. "Oh yea, I know her." He said.

"You know her? How?" Devon asked.

"You know Geno a hoe." Vincent said sipping some of his drink. Geno smirked and patted Vincent on the back. "Diseased ass dick." He added and we all laughed besides Geno.

"For yo information, I don't have shit. When I fuck, I use a condom. If I don't, I pull out. You niggas wouldn't know shit about that." He said.

Mad ass. He got mad that quick.

"You sure bout dat? Remember that chick North from the tour? She probably had ya child already." I said laughing.

"Fuck off. Ian hear from her ass since. It's been a year, so obviously I wasn't the damn father." He said.

"Mmhm," Vincent said.

"We not even talking bout North. Nosey asses.  Anyways, Verna, I could hit her up if you want me to." Geno said looking back at me.

"Nahh, I don't need her." I said.

"Actually we might," Devon said. I looked at him and he looked like he was thinking about something.

"For what?" Geno asked him.

"We could use her as a spy over there wherever they at. Like, she could be our bait. We gotta get her and August talking. Then hopefully, he'll like her and they'll develop into something more and in no time, he's going to be bringing her to the house. We'll put a tracker in her phone, and find out where they live and get Carter." He explained.

"Nigga, you think this shit is going to be that easy?" I asked him. "August not finna fall for that shit." I said shaking my head. "We gotta think harder." I ate some of my chips.

"Shit, don't hurt to try. We'll get more into thinking as it goes on. It's not going to work over night or in a month. It's going to take some time." He added and i nodded. 

"I mean, this all we got right now. We might as well try it out. If it don't work, we'll think of something else." Vincent said agreeing.

"I'm in." Geno said. "Long as in the end, I get to shoot this nigga, I'm good."

"You always wanna shoot some body." I said and we all laughed.

"If this works, Teyana is going to be so happy." I said.

"Oh it will. Trust me. I already got some shit in mind." He smirked sitting back in his chair.

Devon always knew some good ass plans for shit. That's why when we was younger, I would look up to him. Then when we would get in trouble, he would get fussed for doing whatever he did, and I would get in trouble for following behind him.

"Man that's fucked up..." Geno said.

"What?" I asked him.

"That's one hoe off my Fuck List." He faked cried. "Her shit federal. Mouth and pussy. You never find a bitch thats federal in both parts."

"Nigga!" We said and bust out laughing.


"This is where you seen them at?" The detective asked me.

I sighed, "Yes sir, for the 6th time! I was running behind him then they started shooting! I couldn't do anything but shoot back! I had to protect me and my sister!" I explained and he nodded.

"I understand that Mrs. Smith but next time, if you see him again, call the police and we'll be on our way to handle everything." He said writing something down." 

"Call y'all to handle it? WE HAVE BEEN RELYING ON YALL FOR THE PAST YEAR! MY BABY STILL ISN'T HOME! Y'all don't know August like I know him! He'll take you and your whole SWAT team out in the blink of an eye." I said. He looked up at me from his paper.

"I've been in this business for 25 years. We dealt with dangerous people like August. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." He said. I bust out laughing making him stare at me. "Something funny?"

"I won't say anything. Like I said, August will take you and your team down in a blink of an eye. I won't say anything else though. I'll let you see what I'm talking about. Go out there and try to take him down without a good plan, it's your ass." I said.

I'm really trying to help this man with Augus but he wants to be cocky thinking he can take down August.

He just doesn't really know who August is. To say he's been in this shit for that long, you're fucking with the devil right now.

"Is that so?" He asked.

"Believe me, I know! I've been held hostage by him for 5 years. The plan you might think will work, won't. Now, I tried warning you. You can risk those peoples lives if you want to. But you'll regret it later on. I'm done talking. I'm going to find my son on my own. If y'all want to help, go ahead. But I'm doing my own thing. Thank you." I stood up from his desk putting my glasses on. "Shit, y'all all need to turn in y'all damn badges." I said walking clean out the office.

He just doesn't know what kind of fire he's playing with right now.


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