Chapter 63 - Gabriel POV

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Chapter 63 – Gabriel POV

I stared back at Russell, "I'm sorry that you feel or even believe that this was a question. I'm not asking permission. I'm giving you – call it – common courtesy," I replied as the men all went outside, waiting for the Davis' to help them gather Angels' belongings.

"You can't make that decision for her!" he answers.

"Like you've already made for her?" I say bored and in a rush to get to Fresno, but the family looks pained at the thought of losing Angel.

I sighed; they were humans and didn't understand, "What I'm doing is saving her the hurt that she will feel when she realizes that what she did for you wasn't enough. That she wasn't enough," I say as I sit back down. I don't want to speak for Angel but I felt her frustration. The confusion she had and he should know... plus she was having his baby. Russell was... well he was her mate. This Declan guy must have known so I don't get why he never said anything.

"What she did for me?" he asked confused.

Without doubt he hadn't thought of this from Angels view, "She has been abused and abandoned in the worst ways, since she was a young girl. When she caught you an Amara having sex and enjoying it she threw up for the whole night. Then if I'm correct, she wouldn't let you touch her for two days. She willingly had sex with you. The only thing she hates and knows that others have hurt her that way. But she loves you more. She isn't some sexual deviant that acts out; Russell you told her at some time when she tried to offer herself to you, you said that the only time you do that is if you want too and if you love someone. She did the one thing that repulses her because she loves you. She knew she could make you smile like Amara, and that you love her, because you tell her that all the time, she thought if she was with you that way, that it could go back to being just you and her. The regression into past behavior I'm not sure but I'm guessing she does it because when you lived in Germany it was just you two and Catalena. But Catalena wasn't interested in you that way-"

"Wait! How – how do you know I told her that? It happened almost two years ago!?" he asked stunned.

"She thinks you're a good man... but she also thinks that you sent her away because you didn't want her. She's frustrated that she can't express to you in her own words how much she cares for you... and let me say that... despite the language barrier she loves you in a healthy mature way; she even followed your advice. She only was with you because she wanted too and because she loves you, that's what you told her. So that being said, Angel can't come back here and watch you love another woman, not when she loves you with her whole self. She likes the rest of you, really she misses you all, she misses playing with Cody and everything," I waved my hands at his shocked family, "but you Russell, you she loves. In her head she calls you Rusty, she loves your hands and her favorite place is to be near you, it doesn't matter what you're doing, or even if she understands you she wants to be near you. She loves listening to your heartbeat, and your scent, and right now? Where ever she is..." I shake my head.

"I'm doing her a favor. Right now she's more like me than you. If she came back here, seeing that you just moved her out... it would crush her. Most importantly though, she can't come back here because she is like me, this place isn't safe for her." I finished with a heavy sigh, the family sat in shock still digesting my words. All but McKenna who was sneaking looks at Jack.

"I – I didn't know she felt that way-" he said weakly and I looked at his forearm reading the words again.

"You love her too..."

"Of course, just not-" I stopped him.

"You got your tattoo 'love will tear us apart' after your split with Amara, then you went to Germany and you remained there for two years with no other woman but Angel and before you came back to the states you had four lines to cross out the words," I told him, knowing he loved Angel too but her being non-verbal threw him off.

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