Chapter 47

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Hay. I have to be quick. the man you are after he isn't human. He is powerful and dangerous and will do anything to get you." He said and I nodded.

"Be safe. and know that I have always loved you and your mother" and with that the image faded as I woke with arms around me.

"Region" I smiled as I looked up and saw that It wasn't Region.

But my uncle.

POV Alisa

"Let me!"I screamed at the top of my lungs pushing and shoving trying to get of my uncles tight grip.

But it was no use as he leans down and bits my earlobe. tears stream down my face slowly as I hold my breath.

"You will be mine. your mind, your body and your soul." He whispered pulling away a little.

"Let me go" I sobbed as I pushed and shoved once agin an still nothing.

"Enough" he yelled his eyes raging before all of it went blank and I lost myself.

"3 days or wolf be will disappear."


i woke up with tears streaming down my face, arms rapped around me.

I looked up to see Region's worried eye's watching me.

"Please tell me your ok. please" he whispers as he rocked us back and forwards.

Looking up into his dallying eyes i could help but to..... break.

I sobbed into his chest, the tears never creasing as they only seem to gain in speed and volume.

"I'm here. shhh I've got you." he whispered.

POV Region

I held her in my arms as she slept, she looked so peaceful.

then she started screaming, i panicked and pulled her closer but it only made it worse.

But I didn't care as I held her to me waiting for her to wake up.

She looked so broken so lost and scared as she broke down crying into my chest.

I pulled her close and held her because I knew no matter what I said or what I did wouldn't take away the bad dreams

I could only help them heal.


So.....who saw this coming??? Sorry its short. PLEASE COMMENT N VOTE IN WHAT U THINK PLEASE!!!.

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