Accidental Kiss - Shuichi x Kokichi AU

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All the Danganronpa characters are in normal Hope's Peak Academy. Enjoy!
It was a normal day at Hope's Peak Academy. There were no important classes that held anyone's attention for anymore than five minutes. Shuichi honestly tried his best to pay attention but gave up halfway through the lecture. 'Boring...' He thought.

At the end of class Kokichi Ouma met him by the door. The more time Shuichi spent with the leader, he realized, the easier it became to see through the endless stream of lies.

"Ready for English?" Kokichi grinned, "It'll be so boring and gloomy and-"

"Lie," Shuichi muttered tiredly, "Out of all the classes, English is your favorite."

"Aww~ you remembered!" Kokichi giggled, stopping at his locker.

Shuichi waited awkwardly for the shorter to fish his things out. Kaito and Rantaro rushed past them with a screaming Tenko not far behind, something about them being perverts, and accidentally shoved Shuichi into the short leader. In an failed attempt to stabilize himself, Shuichi stumbled forward into the locker with the door swinging shut.

"Ow! Hey move over a bit!" Kokichi muttered, shifting around in attempt to create some space between them. The leader's struggling only succeeded in pushing the two closer together. Shuichi felt the other's breath on his face and he was entirely grateful for the darkness hiding his blush.

"S-sorry!" Shuichi whispered as he tried to stand up, nearly breaking his legs and shoulders in the process.

"Stop moving! Your going to bend me in half!" Kokichi protested.

"Stand up at the same time— go." Shuichi huffed. Pressing against the wall behind me as he pushed himself up. He was relived when he felt Kokichi doing the same.

By the time they were situated, the purple-haired liar was pressed flush against the detective's chest, his hair tickling Shuichi's nose, and the metal walls loomed around them. It was a wonder both of them fit!

It was strange being in total darkness with your best friend pressed so close. The silence alone was deafening, never mind the pounding in his ears and heat that seemed to reach from his ears to his fingertips.

The final bell rang and the halls outside went silent. Kokichi pulled back so that there was space between them, if not much.

"Well, this is going to be fun!" Kokichi's voice chirped playfully.

A small flitter of light fluttered through the slits in the door, just enough for them to be able to see each other's faces.

"How? What if no one finds us?" Shuichi demanded.

"We'll be fine!"

The two stood in silence for a while, Shuichi counted the minutes as they slowly ticked by. Kokichi slid forward again, leaning against Shuichi with his nose pressed to the side of the detective's neck.

"K-Kokichi!" Shuichi stammered, looking down at the smaller. He was created by soft snores and a tiny nuzzle from the leader.

"Oh. You're asleep."

More minutes passed when someone opened the door of the locker, allowing bright light to engulf the pair. Kokichi bolted awake, hitting his head against the wall, and tumbling onto the floor. Shuichi nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he stepped out to thank their rescuers.

"We were wondering where you two had gotten to." Maki muttered, Kaito and Kaede standing triumphantly beside her.

"Yeah, thanks guys." Shuichi chuckled, offering a hand to Kokichi who was currently pouting on the floor.

"You're welcome!" Kaede beamed at the two of them, a sly smile coming to her face, "So did we interrupt something or...?"

Kokichi snickered while Shuichi blushed madly.

"Who knows~" The leader chirped happily.

Edit: I changed the fanfiction! It's now actually good, I think. I've realized that not every one-shot requires a kiss scene. I love you all~

Danganronpa Oneshots {3rd Person}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora