Chapter 8 - Mr. Confident

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Hi guys :P

So here's today's update.

I tried hard to put this up earlier, but I was busy.

Enjoy <:


(Calum's POV)

I smiled and waved a goodbye to my mum through the small laptop screen. I sighed as I shoved the laptop into a black duffel back and walked into the bedroom. Without caring about changing my clothes, I laid next to a soft snoring Luke. He looked, really cute. I just smirked to myself and closed my eyes, snuggling into his side. Just as I was about to drift to sleep, Luke's phone started ringing and he sat straight up.

"What the hell do you want now!" He yelled.

I flinched at the sudden outburst and squeaked out a small, "Sorry." He just turned to me and his face softened, but then his expression changed into sorrow.

"C-Cal I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up?" He whispered to me.

"It's fine, my mum was chatting with me the whole night." I replied, putting an emphasis on whole. "I was about to fall asleep though."

"I'm really sorry Cal, I-uh don't remember setting my alarm last night though."

"Oh it's fine, maybe Michael or Ashton did it. As a prank?" I said, laughing at what I thought was a terrible prank.

As if they were on cue, they both came in and sat at the edge of the bed. Luke and I stared at each other in confusion and the stare broke when they started speaking.

"Well," Michael started, "I guess we never needed to set our alarm clock. You're actually right, Ash."

Luke blushed at the comment and got off the bed to slip on a black Blink-182 tanktop. I noticed that it was mine and he reddened even more when he noticed that I knew. I mean, I wasn't complaining. He looked hot in his boyfr- best friend's clothes.

"Sorry." Luke muttered at Michael. I turned to open up Luke's phone to see a picture of the both of us as his lockscreen. It was the picture we took with a bunch of fans just yesterday. I was about to get further into his phone, but my mouth dropped when I saw the time.

"4:12am!" I practically screamed. "Why are we up, again?"

"America." The three boys said in sync. 

"Oh, what time does the plane take off?"

"6:30, the airport's really close." Ashton trailed off as he headed out the room followed by Michael.

"Look's like you're all ready to go." Luke said, his breath hot against my ear. I blushed and I felt my pants start to tighten. Not the time. He's right there.

"Y-yeah." I croaked out. He just smirked and looked up at me. When in hell did he get so confident with himself?

"I'm making you stutter, this is new." He huskily whispered. My pants grew so tight that I felt the urge to just run into the bathroom and get myself off.

"When did you get so confident?" I blurted out.

"I'm just playing with you, Cal." He said while laughing out loud. "You knew that, right?"

"Oh, yeah! Hah! Of course I did!" I responded trying to fake laugh my way out of the situation.

The next thing he did, shocked me. Luke took his hand and roughly palmed me through my jeans for just a second. I let out a light moan, and covered my mouth almost immediatley.

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