There's no place like home

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The group launched around a large table they'd found. You would think that such a big group would make a lot of noice, but they were all very quiet. Looking as if they were thinking deeply about something.

"So," Sheldon started tentavely, "we could have gotten these bracelets from a tourist shop."

James snorted. "Yeah, a tourist shop we found while we were at the ghostly carnival. They're gonna believe that."

"No, I think it's a good idea." Lancer nodded as he wrote it down on his spare notebook. The other one was full of notes and events that had actually happened during the trip. Right now they were making up stories to tell the people back home.

"A shop will give the ghosts a sense of normalcy," Lancer continued. "Remember we want people to start accepting ghosts as beings with morals, just like humans."

A few others nodded.

"Let's have a fight scene too." Danny sipped his milk. "I don't want civilians thinking all ghosts are good and jumping into fights."

Paulina leaned on her hand as she pursed her lips that had long since discolored. "I think the fight at the King's castle is a good place, even though it's all ruined and stuffy."

Kim nodded. "It's a good idea." She glanced at Dash. "How did you defeat him again?"

Dash blinked at the sudden attention and he blushed. "Umm...No ah. It wasn't me." He gestured weakly towards Danny. "He did it."

The humans' eyes widened and they turned to look at Danny who was trying to avoid eye contact. A few students looked unsurprised, given that they had figured that out after they had found out about Danny's secret.

"Well," Danny started slowly, seeing they were waiting for an explanation. "Dash did help a bit."

Jack leaned forward, a bit worried. "What really happened, Danny."

Danny sighed. "We don't have time for this. We need to get back soon."

A chorus of aww's and boo's echoed through the teens and Danny relented.

Valerie gave him a worried glance, but the ghost boy winked at her. "So basically me, Sam and Tucker figured out Dash, Kwan, Chelsea and Richard had gone to the castle and we went after them. Sam and Tuck on Leroy and me flying. When we got there we saw how wrecked the place was and we only saw Dash and Fright Knight." Danny raised an eyebrow at the other members of the group that had gone on their little adventure then. "We figured you guys got slashed by Fright's sword and knew the only way to get you out of there was by defeating the master himself and put his sword in a pumpkin..."

"How did you know that?" Mister Lancer stopped scribbling for a moment to look up at Danny, who smiled sheepishly.

"We had met before." He ran a hand through his hair as he blushed lightly. "But that's not important. So we started to fight and suddenly Dora busted the party, but it was still hard. I froze Nightmare so he couldn't..."

"Wait." Chelsea slammed her hands on the table. "That was you?!"

"Yes that was me!" Danny threw his hands in the air. "What did you want me to do? He kept shooting at me and the others." He continued before Chelsea could give her sarcastic advice. "Fright shot Sam and she fell unconscious. Then he shot Dora and she was paralyzed. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Valerie came in?"

Dash frowned. "She did? I remember the Red Huntre.."

"Yeah she did!" Valerie shouted out. "I mean, I did. You just didn't see me."

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