Walking in the jungle

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The adolescents settled down to talk about the past events and Richard's adventure. Maddie had them line up to get their food and she passed it out on plastic plates.

Danny got his food served and his mom passed him a plastic cup with water too.

He smiled at her and went back to his seat.

"Don't you have anything else other than just water?" Paulina asked.

Maddie shook her head, "You must all drink alot of water. It's best for you"

Paulina huffed and took her cup. Then settled on a seat with Star on the seat next to her. The students were allowed to sit wherever they pleased so you could find everyone on each other's seats.

Sam sat next to Danny on the ground and Tucker joined them.

"So what now?" Danny looked at Tucker when he spoke and shrugged.

"Guess we just improvise like always. Its worked so far. The mark must be gone by now. So we can't count on that anymore"

Sam scrunched her eyebrows, "You still good?"

Danny yawned as a response, "Tired"

Tucker grabbed his friend's face and turned it different ways. He inspected the halfas eyes and his mouth until Danny slapped him away, "Stop. I'm okay. Just tired!"

Tucker and Sam exchanged a worried glanced.

The trio finished their food quietly. The murmur of voices resonated in the ship and gave a satisfying effect.

Before they knew it, they'd come across another lair. Everyone crowded by the windows and shouted at the Fentons to stop.

"It's a dictatorship," Andrew said.

Chelsea looked at him, "You don't know that"

Andrew pointed, "Yes, I do. It's got a green aura. Mrs. Fenton said it. Don't you ever listen?"

Danny tried to look over the many heads. He kneeled on a seat and saw through the window. He gasped, "Crap"

After all he'd done to prevent it. They had still come by it. The teenagers wanted to visit Skulker's Island.

Danny cursed himself. He should have payed more attention to where they were going. But it was too late now. They'd reached the place and it had caught their attention.

Of course it had. Who wouldn't want to go on a floating island covered in trees and forest and a skull watching over the whole lair like it owned the place.

Maddie looked at the island with doubt. "Do you think it will be safe enough, Jack?"

Jack grinned, "Of course it will. And if we find a ghost, we will fight it. And the kids have trained!"

Maddie smiled, "Yes, you're right. Besides, it might be time for some action"

She walked back and faced the teenagers, who looked at her expectantly. "We will visit this island, but first" she shouted over the cheers, "finish your food and throw it away here" she crouched down on the ground and slid a panel sideways. It revealed a dark hole which served as trashcan.

The people ate up hurriedly and threw their plates and cups away. Dash, Kwan and James played basketbal with it.

They waited eagerly for Maddie and Jack to pass out the orange jumpsuits and they put it on over their clothes. Jack explained that this lair was more dangerous than the highschool therefore they would be extra prepared. They also handed out Fenton wrist wrays. Dash asked for a Bazooka, which he got.

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