20~ Falling For The Opposite

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~My Favorite Books At Wattpad ..20..~

..20.. Falling For The Opposite

          by :- yourstrulytrina

Story Description/Summary :-

She's rich, he's not. She's the student body president, he's struggling to pass math. She's the queen bee, he's the loner in school.

Celeste Graham is on the top of the high school food chain. Students look up to her, but some just plainly feel intimidated. Being popular isn't exactly the greener side of the meadow, but just one night of getting locked into the school with a "nobody" made Celeste feel normal and genuinely happy.

Both of them bring a hidden side to each other. They might disagree most of the time, but that was a little price to pay for falling for their polar opposite.

Note from me :-

I like this story because, sometime people always want someone opposite from what they are in their life and this story is what it's about. There a few 'surprise' part happen in this story.

The part where I didn't see it coming at all and that making this story more interesting to read. Because you feel like want to know what the author will do to solve that part. I mean how the author make the main character do to solve the problem.

This story is under 'teen fiction' and 'humor'.

So, if you guys a big fan for that genre, you guys might like this story. Why don't check this book out, to find out whether you guys like it or not.

P/S :-

There other two of this author story that loo kind of fun to read. Check that book out too. This books have no sequel after this one, but the author did make a story about one of the main character sibling.

Just check the author profile and read her book to find out who or what that book is.

If you guys feel like want to read more about Celeste Graham, there this fan of this book that create an unofficial sequel writen by this fan of this book. If you guys feel like want to check that book out, I will post a comment bellow with that book link.

Oh, again for i don't know how many time already, I have not read that sequel writen by this book fan and again I have to repeat myself that i don't have enought time to read it.


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