chapter 51

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Chapter 51 Justin Pov

get her to the hospital call the ambulance. Mieya wasn't breathing I tried CPR but it didn't work. "Justin check her pulse" Scooter screamed. I fucking did she's not breathing, Mieya please don't die on me please I love you I cried. The ambulance pulled up rushing into the house. "heart failure move her out immediately now" The ambulance attendant yelled they put her on the stretcher rushing into the ambulance than sped off.

we got into the car to follow. oh my God she's pregnant, we have a baby together,  I was surprisingly excited but my fear got in the way. my heart race was fast and my emotions were taking over me, I and every one else were treating her wrong and she was pregnant. I talk disrespectfully to the mother of my child, I was angry she was getting abused by Tobi carrying my child. She didn't even look pregnant I mean she never was super skinny but she wasn't fat. "Justin come on where here" Alfredo snapped at me. I didn't realize we were here getting into my thoughts. I got Jade's hand rushing inside, "We need to see Mieya'Ann Nicole Dixon" Scooter told the lady. the woman looked into her computer to check, "sorry she is being treated for heart failure" tears came to my eyes I couldn't hold them back anymore. My mom hugged me for a long time crying as well. Treated for heart failure is a bad thing we sat down for long periods of time. I even fell asleep their, it grew late so my mom took the girls to go eat and wash up. she promised she would bring Scooter, Alfredo and I some food back.

I just wanted to se my baby I regret all of this I wish I have been their, she told me to always have faith and I lost it I gave up on her and now she in a situation were Faith doesn't matter at the time. I paced around the waiting room more than Scooter. Mieya hasn't been eating correct, always stressed out, never sleeping and she's pregnant which is scary. It was 10:30 pm now I took naps and ate but I never left that room, we still didn't get a chance to go see her. Tobi walked into the room out of no where yelling on his phone. "Scooter where is Mieya she has a show in the morning and I know she here, can he just sign her out im sure she is fine". Tobi looked at Scooter but didn't make no eye contact with me or Alfredo. "No can you please leave?" Scooter wasn't in the mood and neither was I. I got up punched Tobi in the face, Alfredo did the same we beat the hell out of him stomping his face in. " You fucking Bitch fuck with my sister" Alfredo kicked him some more. Scooter tried to stop us but I couldn't all the pain he cause me and our family. "Justin STOP NOW" Scooter grabbed my arm. No fucking with my family you perv fuck you I yelled. Tobi face was busted he weakly got up stumbled to the door leaving.

I punched walls kicked chairs yelled. I was pissed ,angry hurt I couldn't take this pressure. I sat in the corner and cried to my self. everything was coming out fast now I know why Mieya brung them temper tantrums when something builds up inside of you for so long. My mom and the girls came back but they came back with August Alsina, he looked like he was crying to. after a couple of more hours we were aloud in. she had plenty of machines hooked on her, she was sleeping as well. we watched her peacefully as she slept. I stood next to her saying the prayers in my mind. I knew they were saying them as well. the doctor came in "Hello I'm doctor Marshalls Mieya is going through the worst, she been having heart failures on and off all day and night if she can hold up a few more hours we are planning it will stop" the doctor looked at me sadly. "Justin did you know Mieya is 4 months Pregnant?"  No I didn't sir, I was unaware.

"It is a high risk she been taking these pills which is effecting her body really bad did any of you give her those pills?" Scooter shook his head no "Her trainer been harassing and making her take them we never knew what they where for or why she was taking them" Scooter told the doctor. "Thank you I will be back soon" the doctor left and my mom cried pouring our hearts out. Jade was quiet the whole time she didn't show any emotions and Bailey she cried. Jade went to give her Aunt a kiss. "I know you will get better I love you" Jade rubbed her hand softly. August was Silent he was a good friend and I was just being jealous he wouldn't be here if they were more than friends. Bae I love you so much sleep well everything will get better. I kissed her sleeping soft lips. before we went back into the Lobby. I was getting really tired and restless, I needed sleep we all decided to stay here since the doctor said she would be good in the morning. I closed my eyes in the chair thinking about all the memories we shared.

"NO NO NO It cant be please, nooo oh god" I woke up to hear screams from my mom and the kids Scooter ran down the hall way and Alfredo was pacing. what happened what happened I asked. my mom couldn't get her words out so I ran to the room. security guards had scooter dragging him from the room, I looked into the room to heart the life moniter with out its nomal pacing beat. my heart sunk and my life was on the edge. Mieya Mieya is she ok. I ran to the bed and the security guards grabbed me "Sir you cant be here" the doctors closed the doors and Mieya's  life less body was covered. Scooter please tell me my baby isn't gone please I cried. Scooter what's happening. Scooter shook his head no, his weakly voice shook as he spoke to me, she's in our hearts Justin. He walked away silently. I busted through the door I had to see for my self cause I knew it wasn't true. I uncovered Mieya's beautiful body her beautiful eyes were open but her life was gone. I broke into tear leaning over her body, gripping her lifeless hand. Baby I love you I am so sorry, please don't leave me please. I touched her cheeks and sang her favorite song as long as you love me. cause I love her I need you, I want you. I kissed her lips softly.

sitting in front of my wife I was going to proposed to her this morning, I slid the rings on her finger closing her eyes. I walked out the room not wanting to look back at my wife. I had nothing more to say but leave this hospital. I was heart broken devastated. "Justin she had a miscarriage which cause a heart failure and she passed I am so sorry son you didn't get a chance to propose she always loved you but don't beat your self up about it she wouldn't want that, call Dawight tell him, tell him you will take the time to take care of these girls please that is one thing you can do I know it will be hard but sweaty it's the right thing they lost some one special as well". my mom words hurt they wasn't supposed to hurt but they did and telling Dawight and Miley will be the hardest things to do ever.

~~~ The Funeral

waking up knowing she isn't here is the hardest thing I have ever did. Miley came from tour early, Dawight couldn't come but every one who knew or loved Mieya attended I know that's what she would have wanted. Miley didn't take the news so well she attached me blaming me she didn't mean to she was just so angry. Jade tried to kill herself the night before, she will never be normal again. there was a lot of positive sayings about her. Scooter couldn't say what he wanted because it hurt to much, it hurt me Why she had to go so early so young. My mom and dad said a wonderful speech that touched everyone heart. Ashley came bringing flowers, Ashley and Mieya fought but I am sure Mieya been forgave her. it was my turn, I was the last to say what I had. the guest and fans listened closed to what I had to say. Hello everyone I just want to say I am sorry. I am sorry for everything, I know what the media had to say about me and Mieya relationship, I know we been through a ride but we always loved each other. I wish I could change time and change certain days with my lover. the way Mieya treated people was wonderful she always cared and always had time for others and herself.

she kept a smile even when she was in pain, the day I actually met her I fell in love, she was real but she went through a tragic life. she always told me to keep my faith and she will always be with me. The day Miley My mom and Scooter met her they fell in love. she was a smart beautiful woman and I , I , wish, sh, she was st- still here. I'm sorry it hurts it really hurts I was going to propose the morning the fainted and I knew something was wrong but I couldn't point it out. all her sicknesses and tiring she was pregnant with my child. I lost so much. I promise I will be a better person and love Jade and Bailey just as she would because that is what Mieya has done. I stopped from crying so hard Jade and Bailey came to help me. we each put flowers down before we left. I stayed with Jade as we watched her grave, we sat there quietly looking telling stories we shared with her. Jade remember I said you remind me of your aunt? "yea I do why ?" well just know she is still with you in your heart never let her go. Jade looked at me with her big eyes "Just like Aunt Ella?" I smiled at Jade, Yea just like Aunt Ella.

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