chapter 43

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Chapter 43 Justin pov

Mieya and I been going through a slight depression, she thinks I'm not hurt or scared because I don't show it. First off I couldn't believe it really was a set up, I didn't tell Mieya cause she would freak out. I believe that everything is going to be fine, but the fact they knocked on the door, got my attention then threw a bottle of fire through my window.

I'm pissed about my house, my respect and my personal life. the fact "they" as of who ever did this  isn't after me but they after the love of my life.  Mieya and I didn't hide though, she still went to train and did run ways, photography everything.  Fans supported us people respect us. Mieya depression and paranoiac was getting bad, she's always popping them pills Tobi give to her everything she eats she throws up and that happens way more often than before.

I try sitting her down and talk about her health, Tobi want her to be  bony ass hell, she will never be boney as hell she has titties and a ass perfect shape. But every time I try to say something its a "ohh Justin mind your business". that's bullshit, I was on my way now to Pick Mieya up from rehearsal, it's been 4 days since the fire. it's been 4 days but it feel like it was just  yesterday. I got out the car entering the building, Mieya was spitting up in the bathroom, like usual Tobi was  yelling. I went in the bathroom to see if she's okay. Bae you OK you don't look okay, maybe you should listen to your man and not ya fagot ass trainer. Mieya got up laughing at me, "you ready to go?" she put that sweet reluctant smile on her face like she can fool me. I knew she was in pain, she grabbed her purse and placed her heels in the box.

she headed towards the car, I had to tell Tobi something ignorant before I leave just to piss him off,

I walking towards the car, Mieya was bent over and her stuff was all over the ground, great what her clumsy ass do now, there was a SUV speeding towards her, I ran fast as I could, she didn't even notice they was about to hit her. I grabbed her by her waist picking her up.  The SUV didn't stop it kept speeding on. there was a note on the ground. I decided to pick it up stuffing it in my pocket. I helped bae pick up the rest of her things everyone in the parking lot was watching, Some lady walked towards us picking up Mieya's lip gloss off the ground "excuse me are you OK that truck really picked you as a target", Yeah she's fine thank you, we got into the car quietly.

Mieya you have to pay attention more. She didn't say anything she just put on her shades, Mieya what's wrong you can tell me anything pretty please I'll buy you a milkshake? She still didn't respond it was like my girlfriend was dead she showed no emotion, had no energy. I pulled the letter out of my pocket.

I see your every move bitch.

that's all it said do they think this is a joke. I pulled off angry as hell. we needed to go see Scooter he said it was urgent, Mieya you hungry cause I am where you want some food from? This girl just wouldn't respond to nothing I said, it really started to bother me more and more I knew she was either going to explode or mentally break down. I pulled up to Popeye's, I order what I always get and I orders her the chicken strip meal with mash potatoes and gravy with a half and half oh and blackranch just the way she like it. she didn't take the food so I guess she will cope with me when Scooter is around, she never ignored him ever so I doubt she will do it now.

I pulled into his drive way,  noticing my dad is here. we got out the car entering the house, Scooter, his Fiance, Dad, and Usher was at the table eating lunch. Hey guys I greeted everyone.  Mieya waved to everyone, you can tell something is wrong with her. "Hey babycakes how are you?" Scooter looked at Mieya she was just staring out of space, she didn't move nor say anything. Bae here's your food, I slid her food towards her but she just looked at it. okay than so what we all going to talk about?  Usher smiled at me "well we wanted to talk to both of you together". Usher looked at us, Mieya took off her sun  glasses looking at us, "I'm listening".  Scooter looked worried, we know how he gets about Mieya but this time I didn't do it.

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