chapter 38

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Chapter 38 Mieya pov

Justin and I want to take Jade out for her birthday, any close friend or family can come, I know she will love where we going to take her. Bae tomorrow we have to get up early to go get Jaxon and Jazmyn from the air port in the morning I want to be on time, "Bae we will it's only 8pm I promise we will be able to get up". we finished loading his siblings favorite food, toys, games, movies into the trunk. they were spending 3 days with us I'm pretty excited to see them again.

"Mieya what do you want for dinner?" Justin looked at me before pulling off. umm let's get something quick how about Burger King. "cool lets get it" he drove off and we were on our way to Burger King. Me and Justin has been perfect no arguing just alot of flirting cuddling and sex. He was so addicted to me he just Couldn't keep his hands off, but I didn't complaint I loved when Justin was all up on me.

"Bae what you want?" Justin asked me pulling up to the drive through, Um I Just want a Vanilla milk shake with a frie, Justin looked at me what I'm not really hungry. he shook his head and ordered his food. we pulled off and he handed me my food. we needed to hurry up Scooter Alfredo and Ryan was coming over to talk about plans for the kids.  we pulled up to the house, they were already there waiting. I went to unlock the door so they could bring in the bags. they all had their dinner, they sat down at the dining room table. Justin and I put away the kids food, and Justin put there toys and such in there room.

I sat down next to Scooter and dipped my fries in my shake eating it. Justin came back down stairs so we all can talk. "okay so I was thinking get Jaxon and Jaz tomorrow, spend time with them maybe take them to the movies than eat,I don't know whatever they want" Justin looked at us to see if we agree. "OK tomorrow night we fly down Florida and stay at your house Bae?, Me you Jaz and Jaxon are going to surpringly get them from daycare, than from there on we figure out what Dawight wants to do" Justin Scooter Alfredo Ryan was talking my stomach started to turn I could feel my food coming back up, I got up rushed into the bathroom by the kitchen and threw up my Burger King and my lunch from earlier and my breakfast.

"Bae you okay?" Justin helped me up. I flushed the toilet than  brushed my teeth,  Yea just a upset stomach.  "are you sure bae, Maybe you should watch what you eat". Justin wiped a tear away, I always have tears when I threw up. You right we walked back into the dining room to finish talking.  "you okay? " Ryan asked me rubbing my shoulders Yea just an upset stomach I think I'm going to go to bed now. I got up and said good night to every one.

~~~Justin Pov

Bae wake up we have to go get the kids from the airport. Mieya got up and went into the bathroom she got into the shower than brushed her teeth. I was already dressed, I went down stairs and waited for Mieya, she came down stairs with shorts sandals and a jacket her hair was in a messy bun, she had on her black shades.  she grabbed my hand and smiled. "Bae I'm driving" she looked at me taking the keys out of my hands. I laughed at her, okay bae but stop to get coffee you look like you needed it.

She laughed at my joke and got into the drivers seat. she turned on the radio and starting singing, she actually sounded good. Bae why you all happy, she turned down the radio and looked at me, "Justin is it a crime to be happy" she laughed. if your like this than yes, I laughed pointing my finger at her. "Justin your such a hater" she turned up the radio again and grabbed my arm to make me dance, she was funny as shit yo.  I loved how outgoing my girlfriend was.

she parked the car as close to the airport entrance as she can. we got out and we held hands with our fingers intertwined. we had on shades, people knew it was us but not many said anything. we sat in the section were my favorites was getting off at, this they first time riding the plane alone I'm so proud. "Justin aren't you excited that the kids are staying with us I miss them so much". Mieya was more excited than I was which wasn't surprising.

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