chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Mieya Pov  

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed telling me to get up.  I groaned mmhh stopp.  "Mieya get up sleepy head I need my other M". Miley how you get in here?  "Justin let me in on his way out he said he going to be back now wake up". OK ok I got up from under the covers and I totally forgot that I was naked and all of our clothes were on the floor. so it was a give away. Mieya you little hoe "she laughed. "you and Justin fucked and don't lie to me I can see it all in your face". I held my face in my lap and smiled. yes Miley we did and I loved it and we told eachother the "I love you" . but he said it first I giggled.  "I knew it so do yall date, was it good, did he moan Oh my god eww I'm not laying on your bed". Miley was laughing uncontrollably.  I got up and went to the bathroom and hoped in the shower and washed everywhere.

I got out and threw some yoga pants on and a tank top with a sports bra and my Nike shoes Miley was dressed the same almost.  she was smiling and she just couldn't stop. we went down stairs and Justin was sitting in the kitchen Miley sat down next to him giggled and he chuckled. would you like something to drink or eat? I asked Miley  "yea maybe some orange juice". I pulled out the orange juice and sat next to Justin. "goodmorning sexy I love you how you feeling". just kissed my lips and Miley was like awwe. I giggled at her silliness.  "you guys ready to go to the gym? " Justin asked Miley and I, me and Miley looked at eachother like since when were you coming. Justin your coming to the gym with us?  I had to ask even though it sounded dumb because he just said are we ready to go.

He pulled me close to him and lifted up my chin with his finger looking me in my eyes he grabbed my ass tightly and tongued me down. he pulled away leaving me to want more of him, he than walked to the car.  me and Miley stood there like damn I got him Pussy whipped. all I could think of was last night. how sexy it was,  the driver  took us to a private gym when we got out there were paparrazzi asking Justin about if were dating,  asking Miley what's going on for her upcoming MTV show and me have I found the right guy. we rushed in and the cool air felt so good. Justin was lifting weights lord he was sexy. me and Miley went on the treadmill. it was a trainer that came to us, I'm not going to lie but he was fine.  "hey ladies can I get you anything show you any techniques to keep y'all body looking good". he smiled at us and we blushed.  "sure show us " Miley was staring at his shirtless body. "OK so this what you do we going to start with squats to get them abbs." he said spreading his legs squatting down. Miley and I started to giggle.  we started doing our squats and Miley was doing them wrong on purpose

"um excuse me sir can you show me how to do this?" the trainer walked over but he kept eying my body the whole time, he grabbed behind Miley but was avoiding the space. he came to me "um ma'am your doing it wrong, here let me show you".  I clearly feel I was doing it right. Oh no you can show me but I think I got it. "no here let me help" he grabbed my waste and squatted against me. I pulled away um I said I got this I rolled my eyes at him. Miley went for a bathroom break so she didn't see,  he pulled my hand to come closer to him. I snatched it away.  what are you doing I looked the young trainer in the face. "I'm sorry it's just your attractive and I'm trying to get to know you he pulled me close again. chest to chest now we were standing, eww get off of me I pulled back from his chest he didn't let go.

Justin Pov

I was getting water and this fucking dude was all up on Mieya she was telling him to get off.  I walked over there and I had to say something know me. yo she said let her go,  Mieya gave me a sorry look.  "who the fuck is you go mind your business " he really thought I was playing.

she is my business so are you going to let go or you going to keep playing games. the boy stood in my face, face to face. "what you tryna do,  you think you the shit cause your fagget ass Justin Bieber".  I don't know what I was thinking but I punched the shit out of him. "Justin, Justin stop let's go." Mieya and Miley was holding me back.  I just pushed them to the side, he got back up and he swung yeah he hit me and we was just fighting.  Miley and Mieya pulled me off of him telling me to stop and let's go.  people were inside videoing it, Paparrazzi rushed in even when they wasn't supposed to.  "somebody grab my bag. " Miley yelled.  a blonde with blue eyes grabbed it and we all walked into the car. rushing, knowing I just fucked up. And this going to be all in the magazines. 

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