chapter 30

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Chapter 30 Justin Pov

we all rode back in a limo together including Mieya and Miley oh and Bailey.  even though it was late we decided to go to dinner. I never knew Mieya did all them things for people.  she was a sweetheart. on the ride to the restaurant Bailey was talking up a storm it was so cute. she asked everyone their name and how old they were. we all answered, every time someone said their name after she asked she shakes there hand and say "I'm Bailey nice to meet you".

she went to Ashley last "excuse me sowwy to bother you but what's your name?" it was so cute how she asked. Ashley ignored her and Bailey said well hi my name Bailey. "I don't care what your name is" Ashley murmured and Bailey stopped there her little body helplessly.  "Bailey come here" Mieya insist and she came. "Bailey it's okay everyone not as nice as others"

Bailey shook her head that she understood. "what the hell does  that suppose to mean". Ashley comment after Mieya, this the shit I didn't want to happen. "It means your rude she's a little girl and she asked you your name you didn't have to get smart". Mieya was getting aggravated I can tell. "well I did". Ashley just wouldn't shut up. "Ashley please just drop it it's over please theirs no need to argue". I whispered in her ear and she watever me.

everyone was quiet the rest of the ride besides Bailey and Mieya. Bailey was asking can she stay with Mieya and Miley. Mieya agreed but tomorrow she have to go back to her grandma. Bailey shook her head in agreement. we finally got to the restaurant and we all got out of the limo entering the place. they showed us our seats and we had a big group of people.

this how we sat.  Ryan,Alfredo, Chaz, Scooter and my mom. on the other side was Miley, Mieya, Bailey Ashley than me. we ordered our food and I really wanted to sit next to Mieya. Ashley scooted her chair away from Bailey. she acted like the little girl had a disease or something. it was starting to piss me off. everyone had there drinks and Bailey got apple juice. they all talked and Ashley was all up in my face trying to flirt with me.

Mieya and my Mom was talking and Scooter was talking to Miley about her tour and such.  our food came and we all dug in. I thought it was so adorable that Mieya was helping Bailey cut her baby steak up for her, Bailey dug in and we all laughed at how long it took Bailey to chew her steak. that was her first time eating it. "I have to go to bathroom " Mieya got up holding her hand to take her to the bathroom. "she would be a awesome mom" scooter told my mom winking, my mom giggled and then rolled her eyes.

it was time for desert so I ordered cheesecake so did the other boys. my mom ordered fruit, Miley ordered a milkshake, Ashley orderd a cappuccino and Bailey ordered icecream. Mieya didn't order nothing she just sat there quietly, something was bothering her. "mieya you ont want no icecream" Bailey asked her with all the fudge on her mouth. "no thank you Bailey" she had no expression on her face. I had to ask what was wrong. Mieya are you ok?  everyone looked at me.  before she could answer Ashley added herself to sentence "Oh she's fine Justin". I ignored her and shook my head.

Mieya we can talk if you like? "no Justin I'm sure your schedule to-". Bailey cut her off "can you please be quiet Justin wasn't talking to you, I'm asking nicely". Bailey licked her spoon. "and no one was talking to you little girl so how about you stay in a child's place and eat your ice cream" Bailey started crying and she ran into Mieyas arms.

"I think it's time for us to go now" Mieya got up and wiped Bailey mouth. "finally she's leaving" Ashley just kept being annoying. Ashley just leave it alone. "no Justin she needs to know her damn place in line" Ashley was being loud and everyone looked at her. Ashley stop please just leave it alone. "Justin she's nothing she's sitting here pretending to be something shes not she trash, so if trash wants to go let it go". she really crossed the line. "you know what fuck you,  you think you timidate me but you don't, I don't give a fuck what you a Justin do". Mieya was on her feet now. 

"Mieya let's go don't worry bout her" Miley was pulling Mieyas arm to leave, pulling Bailey away from the scene . "She want some one to feel sorry for her and her crack head ass mother". before I said anything Mieya smacked Ashley in the face , she was on top of her beating her ass Ryan, scooter, Alfredo all of us tried to break it. Bailey was screaming crying stop.

"I fucking hate you bitch I really do, how bout you go look into the mirror".scooter had Mieya in his arms. Ashley took her coffee and threw it, it landed on Mieya but mostly Bailey she screamed to the top of her lungs the people called the police.

Miley and my mom was helping Bailey. "Let me go now" Mieya yelled. she smack Ashley again and spit on her Ashley broke into instant tears. "I'm done Justin I can't, you bring her to the awards and you want me to fall back in your arms no this bitch all up in your face using you and disrespecting your family and friends, Im right here I always was here for you never have I ever crossed the line and you let her so obviously she's more important". Mieya had tear coming down her face and coffee in her hair."fuck you and this promise ring". she threw it at me. my mom was crying begging her not to go Ashley was crying holding her face Bailey was crying from her burn. "Pattie I'm sorry this happened I tried, but I'm done getting hurt". she grabbed her purse picked Bailey up and walked out with Miley. My mom and scooter told me to take her as in Ashley home. I never seen my mom this upset.

Mieya Pov

we got back to Miley house and all took a shower including Bailey. I put her to bed and me and Miley was talking, I leave in the morning and Miley don't want me to. we cried ourselves to sleep that night.

I was up earlier than everyone else, I couldnt sleep as much from last night. Justin really broke my heart. and I hope Ashley got what she deserve.  I woke Miley and Bailey up. good morning guys. "good morning" they both murmured. Bailey come-on I have to take you home before my flight. "I can't go home Mieya" she held her head down. "why can't you, you said your grandma was taking care of you" Miley looked at her curiously. "I lied, My grandma been dead, I live in a  box I'm sowwy I lied to you guy" she started crying and so did me and Miley. we hugged her for a long time.

Bailey you can come with me and I have a niece in Florida your age her name is Jade. Bailey was wiping her tears away. "for real I can go with". yea I'm for real come on let's get ready to go and when we get there I'll take you both shopping.  "thank you Mieya" Bailey squeezed my neck tightly. 

we said our goodbyes to Miley. the taxi drove us to the airport and I brought another ticket for Bailey.  I brought breakfast for us and we ate it before getting on the plane. when we are on the plane we took pictures and made a video.  Bailey went to sleep so I took a picture of us on twitter.

on my way back home to Florida and Bailey coming with me, this whole time she was homeless sleeping in a box glad I met her.

Miley retweeted my tweet she posted a picture of us 3.

@Mieya'Doll I'm going to miss you two love you guys.

@Mieya'Doll you were right I was a jerk and I'm sorry Ashley hurt you I love you.

I couldn't believe Justin tweeted that. I logged of and turned my phone off. when the plane landed I carried Bailey off with me and Dawight was waiting in the car for us. "hey Mieya we miss you". he gave me a hug and me and Bailey got in the car. he already knew what was going on cause I called him this morning.

Bailey woke up yawning, it was so cute. were here Bailey she hopped up looking out the window. we walked into the house and Jade ran to me hugging and kissing me. "Auntie who's that" she asked me "I'm Bailey nice to meet you" I laughed at them. "hi Bailey want to go play Barbies with me" Bailey nodded and they ran upstairs. you know they going to get along great. "yeah and Jade always wanted a sister I'll be happy to help you with Bailey". thank you so much I have an account set up for her tomorrow "don't worry bout the money Mieya". 

"Mieya Aunt Ella is getting worst". he bowed his head shaking it. what do you mean she's getting worst?

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