chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Mieya Pov

I had horrible nightmares last night and I didn't get much sleep.  I went in the bathroom great I have huge bags under my eyes, and a scare on my head from the accident last night. God why all of this have to happen to me, I went downstairs to fix the girls breakfast.  Justin walked through the front door. he was out all night with God only knows what he did. I didn't say anything to him I didn't feel like arguing. He walked upstairs to the room. I walked behind him into the room. "Justin don't wake the kids please" He looked at me than went into the bathroom closing the door.

well than I guess I go back down stairs finish fixing the girls food. Come eat girls, the girls came trotting down the stairs with dolls in there hands. Ooh you girls found the toy room I see? "Ya it's big full of toys I love it". Bailey and Jade was just the cutest little souls. They ate there breakfast I was reading a book I found that my dad wrote. My phone buzzed so I knew I had a message. it was from Tobi he said I better be on time, than he sent me a kissy emoji. He needs to stop I had a feeling he was like one of them type of trainers that be on life time that try and have sex with there student. well I'm not, I love Justin and if he ever leave me I don't know what I would do. Just thinking about it made my heart stop beating, I gave him everything but I won't let Tobi ruin my relationship.

come on darlings we need to go get dressed. The girls and I went back in  the room to get dressed. Justin was laying in bed sleeping,  who the fucks sleep at 1 in the evening. I put on the girls clothes than did their hair. I love dressing the girls up doing their hair and nails picking out their cute outfits. OK y'all can watch t.v while I get dressed. I brushed my hair it always fell in place perfectly, I most definitely did my make-up today not saying my face was horrible but that cut and the bags under my eyes. I went to the bag Tobi gave to me for the carpet time. it was a tight pink glittery half shirt than it was some high waisted dark skinny blue jeans they was so cute they had ripple cuts in them on one legs going all the way down to the ankle. The heels were cotton candy pink just like the shirt it was sparkly to, the heels had no toes out this time.

I put the out fit on lotioning my skin. I loved it, I added jewelry of my own of course. You girls ready? "Yea let's go but what about Justin Auntie?" umm go down stairs I'll be down in a minute. The girls did what they were told, I cracked the door so they wouldn't hear out conversation. Justin get up, what the fuck you think your doing aren't you coming to the carpet with me and the show? I know he can fucking hear me. Justin? "what do you want girl I'm trying to sleep". Justin where were you last night? "why you want to know you keep secrets from me so I can do the same". Whatever you say ooohh you make me so damn mad I'm leaving. I grabbed the girls and their bags getting into the car. "Justy not coming?" No he's not coming sweety. I dropped the kids off at Scooters house, "where Justin?" Scoot I don't want to talk about it, he just got home from doing whatever he did so he went to sleep. "I'm sorry but I know he be at the show for sure you look great now go on I got the girls" Scooter hugged me.

~~~The show

the pink carpet was fun but it would have been better if Justin was there instead of Tobi. The show starts in 10 mins I was the first model to perform my cat walk solo. I was nervous, and Justin isn't here yet great. "don't be nervous we worked hard for this, I'm proud I know you going to do everything perfectly" Tobi always was nice on performance days which helps so much. "Mieya you have a delivery" The stage director handed me a dozen red pink and blue roses. I read the note

I hope you love the roses bae, you really thought I would miss the show I wouldn't miss it for the world I love you, break a leg

love JB

feew that made me feel so much better,  knowing he wouldn't come would have broken my heart. "who they from, ohh Bieber" Tobi turned and walked away with a disgusted look. I looked in the mirror to make sure my costume was perfect. "Mieya your on go". I rushed to runway, it was really long and it turned making the L shape. I took a deep breath inhaling exhaling. I put my sexy face on like I'm calling everyone in the audience into my bed. I am grown and sexy that's the way I thought, they way I feel is the way the audience should feel. as I was walking I winked at my friends and family. they whistle back, OK time for my signature spin I sucked up a whole bunch of air, I walked back knowing I did everything perfectly. "yass you did it again fabulous" Tobi came hugged me lifting me off the ground he stood here still holding me staring in my face, Um you can put me down now so I can go change. he let me down than smacked my ass. "Tobi don't do that I'm not playing seriously it's a line that can't be crossed.

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