chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Mieya Pov

I woke up from someone shaking me like if I was dead or something. it was Justin I should have known, how did you get in here I had to ask him.  "your aunt Ella let me in, and I came a little early to wake you up so scooter and your aunt can talk like they were suppose to". I was glad to hear that because I totally forgot. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom, gosh I'm tired what time is it. I checked my phone and it was 5am. great I probably have bags under my eyes. I got into the shower and I needed my apple shampoo off of my dresser, jjuuusssttiiinnn can you bring me my shampoo that's on the dresser. he came in the bathroom and handed it to me. thanks Justin "no problem bae" Justin always called me bae but what does this mean , I started singing Miley Cyrus adore you while I washed my hair. when I was finished I turned off the water and grabbed my towel before stepping out of the shower. I walked into my room and was looking for something to wear and Justin was sitting on my bed on his phone. "mieya I have something for you to wear" he pointed to the bag that was in my chair by the door.  I looked into the bag there were a black v neck shirt that had sexy purple letters across it that said Believe,  it also had black leggings a ankle bracelet with a pair of purple  vans an a black head band. I looked at Justin who had basically the same thing on. he had a black v neck that wrote Believe across it some black skinny jeans and purple vans with a black hat that had a purple J on it. I thought it was so cute. before I got dressed I blow dried my hair and brushed it back and put the black head band on that had a purple" J "I didn't even notice, I had my baby hair out and my long black hair was wavy and silky smell like apples.

I put on my makeup lipgloss and put the rest of my clothes on when I was done we looked so cute. "damn girl you looking better than me your so sexy" he was holding my waste whispering in my ear. I giggled at him he was so funny.  "come here to the mirrior" he demanded me.  he pulled out his I-phone and took picture of us with his around my waste showing that we matched. after that I went to put on some ear rings and my purse, my other things were already with justin. we went down stairs and scooter and aunt Ella was laughing.  "what's so funny" Justin asked scooter with a smirk on his face. "Oh dear he was just telling me stories of you guys on the road" aunt Ella must really be enjoying scooter appearance.  well aunt Ella we have to go it's 6:10 I love you, I gave her a hug and kiss and told her thank you. she also gave JUSTIN a hug and kiss.  saying bye to him and scooter. 

Justin Pov

your aunt is so nice your lucky to have her. "I know but Justin do you want to know something ?" she seemed a little nurvious to tell me. yea what is it ? "I'm afraid to go back to NewYork what if something happens " her voice was shaky when she was talking to scooter and I. "Oh darling everything will be all right I'm here with you and body guards and Justin " scooter really likes her he be talking to her like he known her forever. "thanks scoot she shyly said. when we arrived at the air port we split up meaning scooter is with the others and it's just me Mieya and Kenny.

our flight leaves at 7:45 and it's 7am now. are you hungry bae.  "not really just would like some coffee". we went to Starbucks and I got an orange juice and Mieya got a French vanilla capachino with whipp cream.  we walk back to our plain route and I herd a familiar voice call my name. "justin, justin? " I new exactly who it was Ashley!  me and Mieya turned around and there go the blonde that was my booty call for a week. "hey justin I miss you " she seemed happy but a fake happy. hey Ashley, she was yapping her big ass mouth so I interrupt her to introduce her to Mieya.  Mieya this is Ashley and Ashley this is - "I know who the fuck this is fucking waste of air and space".  I knew there was about to be some shit "exscue me"? Mieya said viciously kinda waiting for Ashley to repeat herself. Kenny was about to pull her away but I knew that Mieya was going to defend herself but not go to far so I hold Kenny off. and Ashley needed to hear it. "you heard me I said you a waste of air and space and you don't deserve Justin " Ashley crossed her arms with a smirk on her face thinking that she won this little battle. "hold this" Mieya handed me her coffee and stepped up to Ashley all close in her face. "I let you disrespect me once but not again, I don't fucking play that shit ok little girl I don't know what kind of damn games your playing,but I don't play games there for kids, and I'm no kid, keep fucking with me and I'll mop ya ass all up and down this airport honey, stay away from me I don't care what you and Justin have, understand" Mieya grabbed her coffee from me and started walking to our seats where scooter was and the others. Me and Kenny stood there surprise and he had a smirk on his face trying not to laugh. Ashley stood there shocked as well. well bye Ashley.  Me and Kenny was walking back to the seat where everybody else where. Kenny started telling everybody what happened laughing hard with tears coming out of his eyes.

I sat next to Mieya and she didn't really find any thing funny much. hey pretty girl what's wrong. "nothing just thinking" she smile a little at me and I just couldn't help but smile back. "why do she hate me Justin she don't even know me?" she was asking the obvious question so I laughed at her and her face gave me a frown. Mieya honey she's jealous of you. you have more of everything that she don't have, pretty hair amazing body wonderful smile your just natural beauty.

she started laughing really hard and it confused me, why are you laughing it's true "I never had some one jealous of me before " she was so cute sitting here laughing like a cute little kid.  well you do now I kissed her forehead.  our flight number was called so we got up and boarded the plane.  we sat down in our seats and she took the window seat.

when the plane took off she was laughing cause it tickled her stomach. I never met a girl so happy and cheerful and fun as her. it takes us about 3 in a half hours to get to newyork.  I pulled out my phone and followed Mieya on twitter and she must have felt her phone vibrate cause she took it out and looked at her phone smiling. I looked for the picture of me and her matching in her room and I was about to upload it I looked at her and I decided to.

Hey twitter haven't met my beautiful friend Mieya,  on our way to NewYork for a concert wish us luck. @Mieya'Doll.

she looked at me in shocked and than she replied.

can't wait I'm so excited @JustinBieber 

she was so cute,  for a whole hour we talked and laughed and played tricks on Kenny while he was sleeping.  Mieya fell asleep with her head on my shoulder, she was curled up next to me so cute she was peaceful in her sleep.

I took out my phone and took a picture of us.  I logged in to twitter and posted the picture.

@Mieya'Doll so adorable sleeping on the plane

I looked at some of the tweets the fans were posting

@JustinBieber she so pretty I love your friend.

@justinbieber y'all so cute on the plane and Mieya is a pretty name

@Justinbieber @Mieya'Doll I would love to take a picture with you guys

@justinbieber @Mieya'Doll y'all so cute matching outfits I love it.

I smiled knowing that my fans love Mieya.  I logged off of twitter and and posted the same on instagram tagging her. I closed my phone cause the plane was now landing.  Mieya woke up from the noise of the plane landing.

rise and shine doll baby. it was so funny because she do look like a doll. we got off the plane and holding hands. we grabbed our stuff and there were screaming fans every where.  "JUSTIN JUSTIN who's your friend she's so pretty." can I have your autographs Mieya looked at me and I told her go ahead sign.  there were a bunch of fans taking pictures of us with them. it was now time to go to the car so we can go into the hotel and take a nap for at least and hour. 

on our drive there Mieya had all of us laughing in the car while telling us funny stories she did.  we pulled up to the hotel and paparazzi everywhere.  they were asking all these questions that we all ignored. we went inside and went to the front desk to get the keys to the rooms. Mieya you don't mind sharing room with me do you?  "of course not Justin " I had to ask I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable at all.

we walked to our room and sat down our bags on the floor. ok it's 1:00pm we have 2 hours of sleep which we will need.  at 3:30 we needed to be on our was to the arena to practice so let's undress and hop in bed.  "Justin I didn't bring pajamas do you have a shirt I can sleep in " of course I handed her the shirt while she  stripped down into her panties and bra her body was amazing I couldn't help but stare.  she put on my shirt and she looked good.  we got under the covers and she had her back towards me I put my arm around her touching her stomach surprisingly she came closer and we went to sleep.

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