Chapter 96

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Austin's POV

I got one more match with Braun Strowman tonight and I'm still very sore. But I'm not going to be bested. I'm going to wrestle tonight and I'm going to beat his ass.

We were both out there and we stood in our own corner staring at each other. He then smirked at me and said "Run!". I slowly shook my head. He then ran at me and hit me with a splash in the corner. That knocked the wind out of me. I slowly got up and he got me on his shoulders but I quickly jumped down and hit him with a jumping DDT. I then got him up and irish whipped him into the corner. I then ran at him and hit him with a Stinger Splash. But it barely phased him. He then ran me over. He then picked me up and got me in a elevated chokehold. I almost passed out, but I was able to get out of it, and I bounced off the ropes and hit him with a superman punch and knocked him down to one knee. I then hit him with a shining wizard and that somehow knocked him down. I covered but he threw me off of him after a one count. He then picked me up and threw me outside of the ring. He then started to tear down the announce table. I got up and jumped on his back.  He then threw me off and picked me back up. He tried to hit me with a chokeslam through the table but I got out of it and hit him with wicked strikes until he was down on the table. I then went back into the ring and went to the top rope. I then hit him with an elbow drop through the table. That one was for Shane. But being the monster that Strowman is, he got up rather quickly after taking a move like that. He even got up faster than I did. He then got back in the ring and broke the count. He then went back out and picked me up on his shoulders. He then hit me with a running powerslam through the barricade. He then went back in the ring and tried to take the countout victory. I somehow got back in after the eight count and Strowman continued the assault. I tried to get up but he hit me with a wicked clothesline that turned me inside out. He then picked me up on his shoulders again and hit me with a running powerslam. He covered but I kicked out at two. He then got me up again but I ran under him and then hit him with a spear. I then went into the corner and clapped a few times before hitting him with a Last Call Superkick. I then covered and got the win. I am the first one to knock him off. I was surprised when I heard Undertaker's music started to play. He got into the ring slowly. The lights went on and he stood right in front of me, not breaking eye contact. He then looked behind me at the Wrestlemania sign. Wait, what? Is this his way of challenging me to a match at Wrestlemania? I looked back myself and when I turned back he chokeslammed me to hell.

I'm sore as hell and kind of pissed off but I was able to knock off Braun Strowman. But then Sasha came up to me. She seemed nervous as hell. "We need to talk." She said as her breathing got a little fast. I gave her a confused look but followed her to a quiet place so we could talk. We found an abandoned office and I closed and locked the door. "What's on your mind?" "I kissed Seth." She said quickly. That took me off guard. "You did what?" "I kissed Seth." She repeated quickly. "Who kissed who?" "I kissed Seth." She repeated for the third time. I didn't really know how to react to that.  "I never meant to hurt you." She said as she started to cry. "Really? Because last time I checked you were kissing my best friend." I said getting pretty pissed off. "Do you know what it's like to lose people you care about?" I asked her. She didn't know what to say. "Sure you might of. But I don't think you've had people walk out of your life because they hate you." I said as I leaned my head up against the wall. She tried to lay a hand on my shoulder but I pulled away. "Not now. I need to go find this guy." I said as I opened the door and walked toward the catering. 

He wasn't at the catering, so I looked toward the curtain. There he is. "Seth." I said as I walked up to him. "What?" "You do realise that girl standing behind us, she's mine right?" He smirked. "That's not what she said." He said. He has no idea what he just did when he said that. With no hesitation I took him down and started hitting him with wicked punches. Somebody tried to pull me off of him but without thinking I elbowed the person. I looked back to find Sasha out cold because of what I did. That was the worst thing that could ever happen.

Sasha's POV

I woke up with my head pounding in a shadow standing above me. "Austin?" I quietly asked. The shadow laughed. "Try again sweetheart." "Seth!" I said as I quickly hugged him but then I had to lay back down quickly. "Where's Austin?" I asked. "I don't know. He checked on you for a minute then he left. He seemed pissed off. I think I'm going to go talk some sense into him, but I needed to make sure you're ok." I slowly nodded. "Make sure that he knows that I'm not mad at him for what he did." He nodded and kissed me on the head before he walked out.

Austin's POV

I can't believe I did that. Everything that she was afraid of before we got together, happened. I can't forgive myself for what I did. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to see me again. Right now I'm in a bar. Drinking beer after beer. Just then someone plopped themselves down right next to me. Son of a bitch. "Lot a fucking stools in this place." I growled. "There's only the one next to you." Seth said back with that cocky fucking smirk on his face. "How in the hell did you even find me?" "Because I know you. One thing goes wrong in your life and you go straight to the nearest bar." I slammed my glass down. "What the fuck do you want Rollins?" "I came to talk some sense into you. You really need to stop being such a pussy and go talk to "your" girl." He said putting air quotations on the your part. "Oh because you're a expert at relationships right? Mr. Dick Pics right?" The smirk faded pretty damn quickly after that. "I'm going to let that one slide because I know you're pissed, and probably pretty drunk." He said as I let out a big burp. "Also I know she told you that she was the one that kissed me. But that was not the case. I kissed her." That had me shaking. "Dude I'm sure you think that she's pissed off at you. But she's not. You need to get your head out of your ass and talk to her." I slammed my glass down again as I finished my fourth beer. "Fine." I said as I tried to get up. "Hold on." He said as he placed a hand on my chest. "Can you drive?" "Do I look buzzed to you?" "If I'm being honest yeah. The last thing you need right now is to get arrested. Let me drive you back to the arena." I took a deep breath before I agreed. He's right. The last thing I need is to get arrested when I need to go talk to my girlfriend.

Seth told me that she was in the trainers room and luckily she was still in there when I got there. "How are you doing babygirl?" I asked when she had her back turned to me. "Austin!" She said as she got up and ran to me. "Are you still mad at me?" She asked. I shook my head. "Seth came to talk to me. He told me that you didn't want to throw him under the bus. But honestly, I can never stay mad at you babygirl." I said as I wrapped my hands around her and kissed her on the head. "What about you? You mad at me?" She shook her head. "Because honestly if I was in your position I would be pretty pissed off. It's going to take a long time for me to get over the fact that I hit you." "You were in the heat of the moment. You didn't know who was behind you. I'm telling you it's ok." "You probably said that to the other guy that did that to you." She didn't know what to say about that. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just pissed off with myself that I did that to you." I said as I took her in my arms again. We then got our stuff together and left. It's been a long night and we need to go to sleep. 

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