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A/N - Hey my little fluffy unicorns. I'm fine now, I was just so fed up yesterday. Thank you so much for supporting me through everything, I love you so much! I have loads of shoutouts so brace yourselves.















@GeorgiaIH (I don't know if that's an I or an l hehe)







Gemma's POV

"Gemma, no fair you can't have everything your own way!" Asa pouted, falling over the rug. I laughed.

"My house my rules,"

"It's not really your house though, you don't pay for it. It's your mum's house." Asa said matter-of-factly.

"No, because I live here too. Can we just play the frickin' game!" I said, turning the Wii on angrily. Asa pulled a face and stood up huffily. I glared at him. "Are you playing or what?"

"Well I suppose I have to, don't what you to yell at me again." He said, turning away from me.

"I did not... I did not yell at you," I face palmed.

"Haha, yes you did." Asa replied. "Hurry up and play it,"

"So you're gonna do it with me?" I smiled slightly.

"Well, obviously." He smiled at me slightly too.

"Thank you. I love you!"

"Yeah, well..." Asa mumbled, then smiled to show his was kidding. I smiled and clicked into 'Rich Girl' by Gwen Stefani so we could dance to it. It had a lot of girly moves, I knew from past experiences. Oh I could not wait to witness Asa Butterfield dancing!

"Wait, can we take a little video?" I asked, laughing evily inside myself.

"Sure," Asa smiled confidently. Oh gosh, this was going to be a laugh! I got my phone out and propped it up on the television stand before hitting the record button. I left my phone like that, and we clicked on the character. The dance started.

(Btw, if you want to see this dance search on YouTube 'Just Dance 2014 Rich Girl Gwen Stefani' it should come up).

I started dancing like a normal person, but Asa just... Kind off... Stood there. He tried but kept bumping into me and bumping into the wall. He walked too far over and ended in the kitchen. I had to stop dancing at one point because I was laughing so hard. And I had a cramp.

"Oh Acey. C'mere." I said, once the song was over. I won.. Yeah, pretty hard to believe.. (Sarcasm)

He pouted and walked into my arms, throwing the Wii remote on the sofa. He buried his head in my neck and cuddled into me. Cuddly Asa was the best.

"I can't dance," He said, pretending to be sad. I cuddled him harder.

"You just need practise!" I suddenly remembered I was recording everything, so I quickly ran over to my phone and pressed the 'stop' button.

"Oh Christ," Asa said. "Let's watch it," I pressed the play button and it started. I actually fell off the sofa I was laughing that much.

"OH MY GOD, HELP MEH!" I yelled, laughing into the carpet.

"Your an amazing dancer though, those hips," He winked at me and I blushed.

"What are you looking at them for," I giggled lightly, pushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

He bit his lip and I saw he had a bulge in his pants. I turned my head away from him and made a 'woah' face before turning around and smiling.

"Please? I leave for filming in 2 weeks, we won't see each other for 3 months!"

"3 months?" I whispered slowly.

"Oh God, I haven't told you yet? I'm sorry, I was planning too-"

"Have sex with me then leave?" I stated in dismay.

"NO! No, that's not what I meant! Can you stop jumping to conclusions?"

"I'm sorry. Okay, go ahead." I said, sitting cross-legged in front of him.

"I was planning to tell you tomorrow. And I was going to make it special. I even got you this, but I suppose you can have it now," He suddenly brought out a lovely diamond necklace, real diamonds crystallised across the chain. I put my hand over my mouth, tears started to pour down my cheeks.

"Asa.. You shouldn't have.." I whispered, giving him a massive hug.

"No, you really deserve this Gemma. You have no idea how much I love you. We've been dating for 10 months now, 2 more months then it's going to be a full year. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't care what anyone else says, you're the one for me." The tears started pouring faster as I hung onto him.

"I love you so much," I sob/whispered.

"And I love you too. Here, let me put it on."

I turned around and he stood behind me, lifting my hair up and clasping the necklace around my neck, kissing the clasp soon after. I looked down and touched it gently.

"It's beautiful. Thank you Asa, you're the best boyfriend ever!" I jumped on him again, breathing in his scent.

"And you don't have to do anything you don't want too, as I've told you before,"

"No, your right. You're not going to be here for three months. Let's do it," I leaned in for a kiss and our lips gently touched.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." We kissed for a while and that's when I felt Asa tugging at my shirt. I pulled it off for him and he ran his hand up my body.

"Your so beautiful Gemma," Asa whispered, pulling his own shirt off. I ran a finger over his abs, lightly tracing the lines, knowing he liked that. His 'mister' still hasn't settled down, but I didn't say anything. That would be coming soon. ;)

*sneak peek a little bit dirty*

"I've never felt this way before Gemma," Asa moaned, tugging on my hair gently.


A/N - Oh my God, the feels the FEELS! Sorry if that was a little bit dirty, but ya know. ;)

QOTD - If you found out Asa's girlfriend (let's just say he had one) was pregnant what would your reaction be?

I'd be a bit shocked, because I mean... ASA IS ONLY 16!

But anyways, yeah! Comment!


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