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*Gemma's POV*

I went down the stairs too open the door and saw Asa looking casual. He still did look gorgeous though.

"Hello. Come in," I said holding the door open. "We still need to do a little bit of work, but don't worry. My rooms alright."

"That's okay." Asa replied smiling. My cat, Mickey, came over and butted against his legs.

"Hello," Asa said, bending down and stroking him gently behind the ears. He purred and purred. I lifted him away, because I could sense Asa had had enough of him.

"There," I put him out the door. "Do you want to go up to my room?"

"Yeah, sure." Asa replied calmly. His eyes said "Hell yeah!"

I moved my finger as I ran up the stairs, gesturing for him too follow me. He ran up behind me. As soon as we got into my room, he pounced on me like a cat pouncing on it's prey. He pushed me against the wall and started kissing me roughly.

"Asa!" I said. I think he thought I was saying it in pleasure.

"I know," He breathed.

"No, I mean, your hurting me!" I said, because I was uncomfortably pressed up against my framed One Direction photo.

"Oh. Oh God, I'm sorry!" He said and he got me too turn round so he could examine the mark.

"Asa there's nothing there!" I said.

"Yes there is!" He started rubbing my back.

"Asa, for Gods' sake, just kiss me again." I was so touched though, because of the way he took care of me.

"Ok" I walked over to sit on the bed and he came and sat beside me. We kissed again for the 100th time. This time, I took advantage and turned us over and started leaning him on the bed. He put his hand up my back and fingered the bra strap.

"Asa, no," I breathed.

"Please?" He asked.

"No!" I got off him.

"Stop being so frigid!" He said. I stopped, feeling a lump form in my throat.

"Okay, if you think I'm frigid then just go to that girls house," I said, pointing downstairs to the door.

"Maybe I will," He said, and he got up and left.

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