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A/N - ShOuToUtS



Gemma's POV

"Let's look through all the things your asanator's are saying about us," I said, typing in '#GemmaAndAsa on Instagram. There was a picture of us kissing and the caption was.

'Relationship like this would be perfect!*.* #GemmaAndAsa'

I smiled and x'ed of that photo, clicking into one of our selfies. The caption was:

'Seriously, can these two make babies and give me one? Their children would be beautifull😍'

I smiled and showed Asa the pic. He smiled also.

"Maybe we will. One day.". He replied.

"What, you mean make babies and give them to her?" I laughed, pointing to the screen. Asa chuckled and shook his head.

"No, I mean. Us. We can make babies one day, can't we?"

"Well, I don't know. It all depends.." This was super awkward, oh my Jesus.

"What do you mean it all depends?" Asa asked. I shrugged, desperately trying to come up with an answer.

"Umm. I don't know, can we please not talk about this," I said, shaking my head.

"Alrighty, but we are." Asa replied.
I stared at him for a while.

"You can't make meeee!" I chanted like a little child, sticking my tongue out at him. He pretended to be shocked and lunged out at me. I squealed and fell onto the sofa, as he fell on top of me. We stared at eachother for a while, and like in the movies, he kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and moved my lips in sync with his.

"Gemma, I love you so much," Asa muttered into the kiss.

"I love you more,"

"I love you most," I pulled away at that.

"That's not possible," I pouted. He smirked.

"Oh is it not?"

"No." I made a 'what are you gonna do about it' face.

"Oh you wanna play like that," Asa raised an eyebrow and licked his lips. I smirked and pushed him off me.

"Not today," I said standing up and folding my arms.

"Oh Gemmybear, pleasee?" Asa said, pouting and putting on his best puppy dog eyes that everyone fell for. I winced and turned around, so I was facing the wall.

"Noooooooooo Acey-poo!" I whined in the exact same tone as him.

"Fine; but don't expect any when you want it, love," Asa smiled sweetly. I did too.

"You won't be able to resist me, baby." I said seductively. I was only joking though.

"You're right babe,"

"You know what? We can play Just Dance 4, yeah?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"I suppose, only if--"

"Don't say it." I said, walking over to Asa and putting a finger to his lips. He bit me, and I yelped in pain, cradling my poor little finger which had bite marks on it.

"Jesus Christ, are you a dog or something?" I moaned, clutching my finger and shaking it up and down. It was actually really sore!!

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bite that hard! Let me see," he said. I pouted and put my finger in the palm of his hand.

"Gemma there's not even a mark," Asa laughed out loud. I pulled my hand away from his and sat down on the other sofa.

"Poop brain," I muttered under my breath.

"Bumface," Asa replied to me. I glared.

"Wee wee head."

"Okay, okay, you've won. Now are we going to play Just Dance or what?" Asa asked me. I nodded eagerly.

"You bet. I call the first remote!" I Yelled, running to grab the remote.


A/N - Sorry, this wasn't one of my best chapters.

QOTD - What's your favorite song at the moment?


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