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I stared at him. "Aww! Thats the cutest thing ever!" I said after a while, giggling.

"Well, it's true. We've been going out for what, like 5 months now? I know it doesn't seem long, but it is for me. I knew, right from the moment I laid eyes on you, you were the one. I love everything about you, and want to start a family with you! When we're older, obviously." He said, and I felt myself tearing up.

"That's the nicest thing someones ever said to me," I said, wiping a tear out of my eye. And I wasn't lying.

"Well, your the nicest thing thats ever happened to me." Asa replied, and I giggled again and kissed him.

"Anyway, Brooklyn, Danielles' friend's holding a house party tonight. No reason though. Do you want to come?" He said, putting his arms around my shoulders.

"Yeah, what time at though?" I asked.

"Around sevenish or sixish. And it's not going to end until midnight or something like that. Are you up for it?"

"Yeah, sure. We need a night out." I said, which wasn't entirely true. We'd only been out a couple of nights ago.

"Okay, and I'll ask my mum if you can stay over at mine? Or something." Asa asked.

"Well, I've just got a text from Danielle and she's telling me about the party and how her mom and dad will be out. So we can stay with her and Aramis?" I said, replying to the text.

"Yeah actually. And Aramis and Danielle are okay now I take it?"

"Yep. We didn't even have to do anything. I knew they'd work it out." I smiled. Loxie started to talk in her sleep, and me and Asa snorted with laughter, our hands over our mouth trying not to wake her.

"My brother Justin might be coming over tomorrow." I said. Justin was my 22 year old brother. He'd stayed over in America with my dad, who was now divorced from my mom.

"I've never met him before, have I?" Asa asked.

"No. Oh, and be careful what you say about, well, you know, US. Justin's really over protective." I said, which was true. He'd put my ex boyfriend into hospital.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything," He gave me a half smile. "Why didn't he come over here? With you?"

"Well, he wanted to stay over there too study. I could have stayed over there with my dad too, but I'm glad I didn't." I snuggled into Asa's chest. "I wouldn't have met you if I did."

"Oh my God, imagine if you didn't. That would've been terrible!" Asa said, rubbing my back.

"I know!" We heard the door open down the stairs. It must have been Asa's mom back home from shopping. We ran down the stairs to help with the bags.

"Thank you! Oh, hello Gemma!" She said, smiling at me.

"Hello Mrs Butterfield." I smiled back.

"How many times have I told you darling, call me Jacqueline!" She said, laughing.

"Sorry," I said, giggling.

"Don't worry about it." She said, and smiled at both of us. "You two look tired! What've you been doing?"

"Well, we were playing with Loxie and Marlies' dolls. They're out for the count by the way." Asa said, walking over to the fridge and pulling out some orange juice. He looked at me.

"Do you want any?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Well, its good that their sleeping. I need a rest! So, are you going out anywhere tonight?" Jacqueline asked Asa.

"Out to Brooklyns' house for a party." Asa said, gulping down his orange juice.

"Oh, ok." She smiled at us. "Now, I'm going to watch some TV! See you later!" She said, and she went into the living room.

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