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*Gemma's POV*

"Thank you," We said together as the waiter sat down the pizza in front of us.

"Okay, is that everything?"

"Yes, thanks," I said, and he nodded his head and left.

"Mmm, it smells so good!" I said, lifting a piece and biting into it.

"Oh, yum." Asa said. His accent was starting to turn me on, NO JOKE.

When we'd finished the pizza, we talked again.

"So.... How many kids do you want? I mean, when your wayyy older?" I asked awkwardly.

"About 2 or 3." He said, smiling.

"Me too," I smiled too, then got worried. What if he thought I was pressuring him into having kids with me or something?

The waiter came over and asked us if we wanted any dessert.

Earlier, we had both decided on ice cream with strawberry sauce and marshmallows. I ordered this time, and the waiter went off.

"I'm paying, definitley!" I said, firmly.

"No you are not, what sort of person do you think I am? I'M paying!" Asa argured.

"No, I'm not hearing off it. I will pay!" The couples next to us started grinning and cooing at us, while we argued over who was going to pay. Unfourtunatly, Asa won!

"No, we'll go halfers? Okay?" I stuck my hand out so we could shake on it.

Asa did put up a bit of a fight, but he finally agreed. We shook on it just as our ice-cream arrived.

I ate mine up quickly, savouring every bite. It was absolutley delicious.

The bill came too £70.

"35 each." We got out our wallets and put down 35 and a tip.

"Asa, thank you. Tonight was lovely." I said,

"No problem. It's my pleasure." I giggled.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked, knowing my mom would be at work. She's a nurse so she works night shifts.

"Sure, one second though," He ran into his own house quickly while I went into mine and mouthwashed and brushed my teeth and stuff. Don't ask why.

I got changed into a white tank top and some comfortable denim shorts. I put my hair up into a messy bun just as Asa knocked on the door.

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