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I knocked on Asa's door and he answered, holding Marlie on his hip.

"Hi babe," He said, and kissed me on the lips. I said hi and kissed him back. Marlie put her arms out for me to lift her. I took her from Asa and she snuggled into my chest.

"Hello Marlie." I said softly, cuddling her.

"Hello." She replied in her cute little baby voice. I thanked Asa has he opened the door wider to let me in.

"Loxie is in the living room. Go on in, I'll be there in a second." Asa said, going into the kitchen. I nodded and walked into the living room to see Loxie playing with some Bratz and Barbie dolls.

"Gemma!" She said, her little face brightening up. She ran at me, her arms outstretched.

"Hi Loxie!" I said, as she hugged my legs. I struggled to bend down, Marlie still on my hip.

"Come play with me!" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me over.

"Okay, okay," I giggled. Marlie was hanging onto my hoodie for dear life, scared of falling out of my arms. "Don't worry, I'm not going to drop you," I whispered in her tiny ear. She nodded and relaxed a little, but still hanging tightly on to me.

Loxie got me to sit down while she showed me all the Barbies, tossing the Bratz aside.

"This is Sarah," She said, pointing to a blond Barbie and setting it down. "And this is Hollie." She lifted up the brunette one.

"Okay, they're lovely names!" I said, smiling at her. She smiled back.

"I know. I invented them myself," I laughed. Then I looked at Marlie.

"What about the Bratz? Are they yours?" I asked.

She nodded and wiggled down of my knee to get a doll. "This is Isabelle," She said. Loxie raised her eyebrows at her and said;

"No she is not called Isabelle! Thats Molly!"

"No, it's ISABELLE." Marlie glared back.

"Shh. Its Molly." Loxie said, staring straight at me.

"Well, Isabelle is a nice name, but okay then." I giggled. Asa came into the room with a bottle of juice for Marlie and a plastic cup for Loxie.

"Do you want anything Gemma?" He asked me.

"No, I'm fine thanks." I smiled.

"Okay." He smiled back. "So what are we playing?"

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