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Gemma's POV

Me and Brandon were getting on pretty well. I felt a bit bad about Asa though, so I thought I'd go over to him now.

"Hey Brandon? I think I'm going to go over to my friends again. It's getting late, and I think we need to go home. Meet me at reception and I'll give you my number, yeah?" I said, dipping myself into the pool. Brandon nodded and followed me.

"Sure. Thanks Gemma, your very kind." He smiled and I did too. We had talked for about.. Half an hour? He's a really nice guy.

"Well, so are you. See you soon!" I said, looking away and catching sight of Asa... With another girl!

Aramis' POV

What was wrong with Asa? I have no idea. I think it's something between him and Gemma, because I saw Gemma with another boy and Asa with another girl. Nudging Danielle with my elbow, I said.

"Looks like Gemma and Asa had a little lovers tiff." I said. Danielle was deep in conversation with Amelia, but her attention was turned to me as soon as I spoke.

"What?" She asked, although she knew perfectly well what I had said. "Just like, an hour ago they were asking me to take a picture of their first underwater kiss, for Gods' sake!" She added. I nodded.

"I know! Oh look, Gemma's swimming over to them! She looks angry!"

"So she should be! What was she doing with that boy though?" Danielle squinted her eyes to get a closer look.

As soon as Gemma reached them, Asa's eyes widened and the girl spoke. Angrily.

"What the..." I trailed off.

Gemma's POV

I swam over to Asa and this random girl. When I reached them, I tapped the girl on the shoulder. She turned around, smiling slightly.

"Yes?" She asked, her smile fading when she saw it was me.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, not bothering to be polite. Asa's eyes widened and I glared at him.

"I'm Zoe, but I should be asking you that!" She replied.

"I'm Asa's girlfriend, Gemma, now move!" I said, because she was blocking my way from getting to Asa.

"Asa's girlfriend? Hardly, seeing as he was here alone!" She said, glaring at me. "Look, if you're one of Asa's crazy fans, just clear off and leave us alone," She turned her back on me rudely. Asa didn't say anything, just gave me a look and went back to talking with Zoe. I gave Asa a glance before turning and swimming over to the steps. I hauled myself out, and walked into the girls changing rooms. I grabbed my stuff from my locker, and brung it all over to a cubicle before locking the door.

I heard Danielle's voice calling my name. I didn't reply, just sat there with my head in my hands. I also heard a deep British accent. Asa.

Why should I be the one hiding away for? I thought. I unlocked the door and walked out, completely ignoring Danielle and facing Asa. I was short, but anyway. I reached up and slapped him. Hard on the cheek. Danielle gasped and covered her mouth. Asa looked shocked, he held his red cheek.

"Gemma, what was that for?" He asked, rubbing his cheek.

"What was that for? What was that for? That was for completely fucking blanking me out when you where with Zoe. What, where you jealous of me and Brandon? Psh, I was being a friendly person, and if that fucking makes you jealous maybe we shouldn't be together Asa. I can't have you getting jealous and hitting on other girls whenever I try to make friends with another boy,"

He stared at me for a while, and said; "How do you know I wasn't making friends with Zoe?"

"Because I saw the way you were looking at her, and I heard a little snippet of your conversation. Do you have a girlfriend? She asked. And what did you say? You said you didn't. How fucking jealous do you have to get to tell someone you don't have a girlfriend, when you do!" I said, then I suddenly burst out crying. Asa tried to give me a hug, but I shook him off angrily.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled before running into the cubicle again and locking the door.


A/N - I really felt like writing, but I'll do double shoutouts tomorrow for everyone who comments on this chappie and the last one.

What was your opinion on this chapter? Please comment, I love reading them! Try and make it as interesting as possible please. :)



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