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*Gemma's POV*

*Skip the rest of the day to 6 o'clock*

I was ready for Asa too pick me up for our first date!!!! I'm wearing a pink knee-dress, pink flats and had my hair curled especially.

"You look beautiful babe!" My mom said, coming in with my white purse.

"Thank you mommy," I smiled.

"Have a great night, sweetheart. Ring me when it's over and tell me how it went. I love you." She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, mom. I love you." I heard a knock on the door and it was Asa wearing a black tux. His shoes were soooo shiny and his hair was slicked to the side. Oh my God, he looked HAWT tonight.

"Hi beautiful. Are you ready?" He offered me his arm. I gladly took it.

"Have a great night darlings!" My mom said, coming up too the door. "See you!" She waved while me and Asa giggled together.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight. You look handsome." I said, smiling.

"Hey, not a problem. You look gorgeous too," He smirked. Then he stopped us and looked down at my neck.

"What the..?" He said, putting my hair behind my shoulder.

"Oh yeah, that.." I blushed painfully. "Well, you did that too me." I said, in a barely audible whisper. But he heard alright.

"Oh crap. Gemma, I'm so so sorry!" He said hugging me.

"Asa, asa, don't worry about it, it's FINE, honestly!" I said, and I put my hair back in front of my shoulder, covering my neck up.

"Well, anyway..." Asa brushed his hand against mine, and I took it. We had made it to La Terreza and were now stepping inside. IT SMELLED SOO GOOD.

"2 please." Asa said curtly to the waiter.

"Certainly sir," The waiter said, leading us too sit down in a cosy little corner.

"Thank you." We said at exactly the same time. The waiter nodded and walked away.

"Here sit," Asa said, taking my chair out from under the table first.

"Thank you, Asa," I said politley then I set down. I will have to tell Danielle about this, ARGHHH!

"Well," He said, sitting down himself. "How are you?"

"I'm good, thanks. What about you?" I replied.

"That's good. Same, actually now I'm with you," He smiled while I giggled and blushed. The waiter came back over too give us the menu. I didn't feel like the starter-main-dessert.

"I know! How about a pizza to share?" I suggested, smiling.

"Yeah, good idea! What's your favorite toppings?" Asa asked.

"Pepperoni and Pineapple. How about you?"

"Same!! Let's get a pepperoni and pineapple pizza then. What would you like too drink?"

"Coca cola please,"

"Okay, no problem." Asa called the waiter over.

"Um, hi, could we have the pineapple and pepperoni pizza, large, too share please?" Asa asked.

"Yes, sure," The waiter wrote it all down. "And for your drinks?"

"2 colas please,"

"Okay, anything else?"

"No thank you."

The waiter walked away and we kept on talking.

"Look, Gemma, I'm sorry for last night. You don't have go do anything you don't want to." Asa said, holding my hand from across the table.

"Asa, look, it's okay!! Maybe when we get to know eachother better," I smiled.

"Yeah," Asa sighed.

"Do you want anything for dessert?" I asked, looking at the dessert menu.

"Um, I'm not sure. I'm just going to eat the pizza and wait." He chuckled.

I giggled, "So, you had any other girlfriends?"

"Yeah, only one before you," He blushed while I cooed. "Her name was Payton. She left me for another guy." He looked angry.

"How could she?" I was shocked and angry.

"Oh, I don't know. I'm over her anyway." He said, quickly. "What about you?"

"Yeah, same. I've only had one and he was a total dickhead, forcing me into doing stuff." I glared. "He even forced me into drugs, but I left him,"

"That is sick." Asa looked angry again. He was starting to scare me, so I quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, here's the pizza!" I said, giggling.

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