Chapter 52- The best way she can

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"Ball! Over here! Over here!" Nathan waved his arms, Kemal passed him the ball, he shot a three and it splashed in, "Hell yeah baby, that's 22."

Desiree groaned as she caught the rebound, "That was a lucky shot."

In the past month, things had gone back to normal. Desiree felt at peace again, she and Bridget were more connected than ever, emotionally and physically. The boys were doing great. So was Scarlett , things weren't awkward between Desiree and Sky, plus Steph and Sky had made up. Nathan and Nicole were pretty healthy. Leigh and Emily hadn't spoke since that day in her trailer. Leigh wasn't herself as of lately.

She sat on the deck soaking in the sun, "Des, are you ready for tonight?"

Tonight was the first game of the WNBA season, the first time Desiree would be playing in her very own shoes, and the first time she'd be playing a real game since her injury. Was she ready? Hell no. She was a bunch of nerves.

She sighed, "Uh define ready, I don't know what's going to happen tonight. A lot of people are counting on me..."

"So? All you have to focus on is you," Kemal said, "Do your best."

Ben stepped outside, "Hey ma, can I play?"

"Sure kid, two on two, you and me verses Nathan and Mr. PotatoHead over there," she chuckled causing Ben to snicker.

"Hey I take offense to that!" Kemal scoffed.

As they played, Bridget laughed with Nicole and Steph, "Did he really say that?" She questioned.

"I swear he did, he was like 65 at least, he smacked my ass too. The look on Freddie's face was completely priceless," she chuckled.

"Oh I bet," Bridget chuckled, "Have you spoke to Emily, is she coming to the game?"

"I have, she said she was with Mackenzie and that they were coming over-"

"SHIT!" They heard from outside, Bridget nearly ran out.

Desiree was hunched over holding her crotch, Bridget rushed over to her, "Baby, are you ok? Which one of you did this?"

Nathan raised his hand slowly, "I accidentally elbowed her..."

"You are such an idiot," Bridget snapped. She slipped her hands inside of Desiree's shorts, Nathan covered Ben's eyes, "Better?"

Desiree smirked and nodded, "Mmm keep rubbing why don't ya?"

Bridget glared before rolling her eyes, removing her hands and going back inside the house. Nathan shook his head, "You two need to get a room."

"We have one...We have four actually ," Desiree smirked "Come on let's finish," she grabbed the ball and shot a three, "That's 8."

Nathan caught the rebound and checked the ball with Desiree, she crossed him over and passed to Ben, he charged to the hoop, Kemal ran to him, "Ma! Help!"

"Up," she said.

Ben brought the ball between his legs quickly before tossing the ball up in the air, Desiree shook left before getting past Nathan, she ran towards the hoop, caught the ball, and dunked it in. Nathan shook his head, "Not fair."


Emily came through the door with sunglasses on and a meek smile on her face, she entered the kitchen happy to find her friends having a good time, "Hi ladies."

Bridget's smile faded when saw her best friend, "Em, are you alright?"

"What's with the glasses in doors?" Nicole asked.

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