Chapter 3- The Kid

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June 7, 2015

Patrick walked into Bridget's study with photos in his hand and a frown on his face, "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

Bridget looked up from her script, took off her reading glasses and rolled her eyes, "What are you talking about?"

He slapped the photos down, "I'm talking about you and Desiree Knight having lunch yesterday."

Bridget flipped through the pictures before giving a bitter laugh, "Please don't tell me you're jealous. We are friends and it was just lunch. I have something for you though."

It was about 10:38 am, Patrick didn't come home the night before which gave Bridget plenty of time to make up her mind.

"What?" He asked.

She slid him divorce papers, "Signed, sealed and delivered."

He looked at the papers for about two minutes before slamming them down on her desk, "Oh this bullshit Bridget! I cheated one fucking time!"

"No that is bullshit and you know it. You've been having an affair with that woman for over a year. Look just sign them, I want nothing from you, you can have everything," Bridget stated.

"You can't divorce me Bridget! I love you, this is stupid," he scoffed.

"I can and I will," she deadpanned.

"Fine, have it your way," he signed the papers, "Now get out."

"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrow.

"This is my house Bridget, get out," he pointed to the door.

She placed her palms firming on the desk and slowly rose for her seat, he refused to look her in eyes, he knew her death glare would intimidate him, "You really don't want to go there Patrick."

"Oh but I do, the papers are signed, I'm taking back what's mine," he stated.

"If I take back what's mine and backtrack all of my expenses, I'll be taking half of your wardrobe, your company and part of your degree. Those two semesters when I helped you pay for school still leave a hole in my pocket," Bridget stated.

He groaned, "Brit, I don't want to be petty, I just want my house."

"Fine, Ben and I will just-"

"Oh no no, Benjamin is staying with me," Patrick looked at her.

"Have you gone completely insane? Ben is going with me and we will be just fine without you," Bridget said while walking to the door.

"I want full custody, he's better off with me," Patrick said causing her to stop walking.

Bridget looked over her shoulder, "How do you suppose that?"

"I'll be here more, I'm a better parent than you, all you do is work, part of the reason why I had to go to her for my needs," Patrick chuckled, "He's eight, Bridget he can't be left alone at home while you're filming some dumb show."

Bridget turned slowly on her heel and faced him, "I am everything he has, would I like to spend more time with him? Yes. I'm not a bad mother Patrick and you know that. He needs stability, he doesn't need to see his father bringing in whores at all hours of the night. He's eight, Patrick he can't be left alone at home while you're out fucking some bitch."

Patrick looked at the floor while stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Bridget he's my son and I just want what's best for him."

"Correction you dick, he's my son. You are not his father Patrick or did you forget that, truth be told if Elliot were here you wouldn't be, so remember that while you're trying to get your head out of your ass," Bridget scoffed.

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