Chapter 45- I've missed you

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Desiree groaned as she woke up, she patted the spot next to her, surprised to find it empty. She sat up after stretching, "Brit?"

"Yes?" Bridget called from the bathroom door dressed in a white shirt and blue and black stripped jeggings.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go see Emily, she's on her way home," Bridget said.

Desiree made a confused face, "You were going to drive yourself?"

"Uh yeah," Bridget stuck her head out of the bathroom door, "I thought that would be appropriate."

Desiree rolled her eyes, "Don't be a smart ass. I thought I told you I didn't want you driving as much."

"She lives down the street," Bridget sighed.

Desiree scooted out of bed, "I don't care, I'm taking you."

"Desiree, you really don't have to be so protective-"

"I'm driving you Bridget," Desiree raised her voice a little, going into the closet.

Bridget stared at her, blinking a few times, before rolling her eyes and going back in the bathroom.

"Emily!" Bridget launched at her best friend and hugged her tight, "oh gods. I've missed you so much."

"Same" Emily smiled, "You're looking good mama."

Bridget slowly pulled back, she looked at Desiree and then looked down, "About that..."

"What? What's wrong?" Emily asked, she glanced at Leigh "What didn't you tell me?"

"I thought she should tell you herself," Leigh said.

"Tell me what?" Emily asked.

"I-...we lost the baby," Bridget muttered.


Desiree and Leigh left to give the best friends some time to themselves, it much needed. Emily was hugging Bridget, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there for you," she said.

"It's fine," Bridget sniffled, "Things have just been really hard."

"I sensed a little tension..."

"She's so different now," Bridget whispered.

Emily sighed, "Some people take things like that for the worst. Define different."

"She's just so irritable, and extremely protective. She won't let me leave the house without her and on top of that...she won't touch me," Bridget said.

Emily's eyes widened, "You guys aren't having sex? I find that very hard to believe. I can understand the whole protective thing though."

"No, we barely kiss. It's so weird. All she's been doing in going to practice, coming home and playing with Ben and Donovan, then she sleeps. She barely eats, I had to beg her to eat last week," Bridget said, "I don't know what to do, I've been planning this wedding not even knowing if she wants to marry me or not. I'm so stressed, so much is built up and I just-"

"Needed me?" Emily suggested, Bridget nodded, "Well you have me now, I'm here for you. Even though...I'm kinda mad at you."

"Mad at me?" Bridget wiped her tears, "What did I do?"

"You Bitch," Emily scoffed, "I've been in a coma for nearly two months and you didn't even think about shaving my crotch."

Bridget laughed, for the first time in a long time, she genuinely laughed, "What?! I wax so it didn't cross my mind."

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