Chapter 37- The secret

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"Woah! Snow!" Ben yelled as he walked out of the airport.

Desiree chuckled, "Wait till you see downtown kid, you're gonna flip."

"I love it already," he smiled at her.

"Are we going to your parents house dear?" Bridget asked.

"Uh even though they are here for the holidays too, I don't want to be bothered so I got us a suite on the Gold Coast," Desire smiled.

"He'll love being by the lake," Bridget smiled.

They took a cab downtown and checked into the hotel. Benjamin jumped on the beds and cheered with joy. This trip was going as planned so far. Desiree was currently sitting in the middle of their suite floor holding her son's tiny hands, "Ok, I'm going to let go alright? Remember how we practiced?" She spoke, even though she knew he wouldn't respond, "I believe in you kid," she smiled as she let go of his hands and he stood on his own. Desiree's eyes lit up, "Yes! Brit! Bridget!"

Bridget rushed in from the bathroom, "Jesus Desiree is it that hard for me to use bathroom around baby!" She smiled as he took steps on his own, she squatted, "Come here Donnie."

"Go ahead bubba, walk to mommy," Desiree encouraged.

Donovan giggled holding onto the wall looking at Bridget before stepping towards her, she clapped when he reached her causing him to clap with her, "You are such a smart boy, aren't you? Des, you did it, you taught him how to walk."

"I'm not done yet," she hopped up and jogged to her duffle bag and pulled out a small rubber ball, "Here you go Donnie boy, now that you can walk, it's time to learn to dibble."

"Desiree Knight!" Bridget snapped, "Can he master walking first, maybe running?"

"Yeah but only after he learns to dribble," Desiree stated.

"Listen baby, I understand that you want him to be this big basketball star but we need to take this slow," Bridget warned, "I mean it Des, no dribbling."

"But I -" Desiree groaned when Bridget lowered her eyes into a scowl, "Jeez Ok fine cool it with the eyes woman...I know!" She exclaimed, "I'll teach him how to do suicides!"

"Desiree," Bridget groaned while palming her face.


"This is the way you took to school?" Ben asked that walked the streets on the north side of Chicago.

"Yes sir, everyday. I used to take the bus, then I met Quentin and he walked me home after we played basketball," Desiree said as she walked next to her son.

Bridget observed from the behind them, it wasn't very cold but it was snow on the ground. She pushed Donovan  in his stroller while listening to Desiree tell Ben stories about her school days.

"Wow, so there's a candy store right on the corner?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, went there everyday. I used to get Ranch Doritos with nacho cheese  and ground beef," Desiree stated.

"Is that good?" He asked, "Can we go get some?"

"Is it good? Munch, you haven't lived until you've had it and of course we can go," Desiree smiled.

Desiree walked a very happy Benjamin through the doors of Sugar Mama's, "Desiree fucking Knight, long time no see," Artie smiled.

"Tell me about it Artie, I came to show my family how it was coming here everyday," Desiree smiled.

Artie looked at Ben, "This...this is your boy? Well, I can't say I'm disappointed. You look like a fine young man."

"Thank you Mr. Artie" Benjamin nodded.

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