Chapter 40- The best

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Desiree had her head on the window and her mouth slightly open in the back of their truck. They had just got off of the plane.

Bridget took this opportunity to take a selfie, she flashed a bright smile making sure to catch Desiree in the background and posted it to Twitter:

TheRealCommander_Brit: On our way to TheEllenShow, apparently someone's still sleepy.

Silently giggling while looking at the picture she just posted to Twitter, she shook her head before placing a kiss on Desiree's temple, the woman was so tired.


Desiree watched Bridget get her hair done, she wanted her revenge. Even though it made her fans laugh and smile, she needed to get Bridget back for posting that picture of her. Perfect time, she thought as she witnessed Bridget yawn, quickly snapping a picture of her with her hand over her mouth and posting it to Twitter:

The_WhiteKnight: Looks like I'm not the only one who's still tired #RevengeIsSweet

Desiree smirked when she heard Bridget's phone go off, the brunette quickly shot her daggers causing her to laugh, "Take that Commander."

Bridget chuckled, "Oh it's so on, I hate that you're so comfortable with social media now."

"Blame your mother," Desiree chuckled, "Apparently we're 'relationship goals'. Our fans are so cute."

"Yeah, are you ready? This is our first real interview together," Bridget smiled.

"Oh yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready for this year period, we are going to be doing so much more together. Traveling and what not," Desiree smiled getting up walking towards her.

"Really?" Bridget asked.

"Yeah, we gotta get out more," Desiree shrugged pecking her lips.

"My Lipstick Des." Bridget whined making the basketball player laugh.

"I'm so sorry Brit." She said laughing at how serious the woman was.


"Alright everyone, I want you all to give a warm welcome to the couple we've been waiting for, Bridget Galloway and Desiree Knight!" Ellen smiled as she wore her CommanderKnight sweater, she laughed when Desiree and Bridget came out wearing their very own CommanderKnight sweaters.

The audience cheered and screamed at the coincidence, it was too cute. After giving Ellen hugs, the couple sat down and so did Ellen, "Oh my gosh! Ellen Hi." Bridget smiled.

"Don't hi me, you stole my outfit," Ellen laughed, "I thought I was going to surprise you and here you are surprising me!"

"We're wearing them better too," Desiree joked.

Elle laughed, "That might be true. So how are you?"

"We are really good," Bridget responded, she was happy Desiree was comfortable.

"That's good. I see you two are tired as well, long night?" Ellen raised an eyebrow.

Desiree immediately blushed, "Um something like that. But she started it, I got my payback."

"I get on Twitter and the fans are just eating up your pictures...So tell me how did you two even come to cross paths two years ago, you both are in such different professions," Ellen said.

"Des literally ran into me one morning," Bridget chuckled, the audience and Ellen did too. "Um I was running late for a meeting with my manager, rushing a sidewalk downtown and she was doing her morning run, not looking and crashed into me, knocking me on my butt."

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