Chapter 6- Real

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June 11, 2015

Desiree groaned as she woke up, she sat up slowly and stretched.

"I see you're finally up," Nicole said walking back into her room.

"Well somebody knocked me out," Desiree chuckled.

"I was out cold until my brother called me three fucking times this morning," Nicole said while handing her coffee.

"What time is it?" Desiree asked.

"10, why? Got somewhere to be?" Nicole asked.

"UGH! I was suppose to watch Bridget on TV this morning," Desiree groaned, "Oh wait, phew I recorded it at home it's all good."

"So let me guess, you're going to run off to watch her on a talk show," Nicole said.

"You two don't like each other, why is that?" Desiree asked.

"Bridget and I have never gotten along, I think she's jealous because I'm more beautiful than her," Nicole said.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but-"

"Oh don't say it, I know she's beautiful. Anyway, on a serious note, Emily and I grew up together, she was my best friend. When I came onto the show, her and Emily were already close, I hadn't seen her in years, I tried to regain our friendship but it wasn't the same, we're different now," Nicole stated.

"So, you're just jealous of Bridget?" Desiree asked.

"Not exactly, Emily and I got cozy again until a man named Keith broke her heart last year. I wasn't there for her, Bridget was, moral of the story, Bridget's a better friend," Nicole said.

"Explain," the rookie yawned.

"Ok, I had a boyfriend who I was madly in love with, his name was Ethan, he took me to Napa for the weekend. I tried to leave to go to her but he...hurt me so I couldn't," Nicole sighed.

"What happened?"

"I was pregnant, he pushed me down a flight of stairs, I had a miscarriage. While I was laying on the floor in a puddle of my own blood, alone might I add. Dear old Brit was holding Emily while she cried," Nicole said.

"I'm...sorry for that. Did you explain that to her?" Desiree asked.

"I tried but she didn't want to talk to me. She thought I was ignoring her but I wasn't," the red head stated.

"Well maybe I can help you fix your friendship," Desiree suggested.

"Ah no, I don't want to. Obviously I don't mean much to Emily, why force myself upon them," Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Ok then, well I'm going to go home," Desiree got out of bed, she had on her sports bra and briefs.

"Well I'll admit, I'll miss you and your little Des," Nicole smirked.

"So you enjoyed last night huh?" Desiree asked as shimmied in her jeans.

"Yes Desiree I did, best sex I've had in a while," Nicole shrugged.

Desiree laughed as she pulled on her boots, "That's it? Well I've gotta do better."

"Ok fine, you were great Des," Nicole stated.

"I know, so now what? You're going to beg me for more?" Desiree asked.

"You're really cocky you know that...No, I can offer a friendship though," Nicole said.

"Good because I was going to offer the same thing," Desiree said while wrapped her arm around Nicole.
"Welcome home stallion, wild night?" Quentin asked from the couch.

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