Chapter 31- Far Fetched

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Desiree was exhausted, she had just finished her first international game of her career. She had accomplished what most players haven't, what most players dreamed of but she missed home. She missed the Phoenix Mercury to be honest, she wanted to go home.

She laid down and checked her phone:

Bridget : Good luck today baby, I love you.

Jason: 2 New Images

Benji the Kid: Ma I miss you, how was your game?

Mama Knight: Call me

Steph: Don't Call Mother, Call Me

Desiree chuckled at her sister's text but couldn't help but open Jason's pictures first before anything. There was a picture of Elliot at the front door talking to Bridget and Ben, then the second picture was of him walking in house. Hazel eyes darken, blood began to boil, rage began to rise.

She didn't hesitate to call Bridget.


Bridget was cleaning up after her guest, she had to admit, this pregnancy was taking all of her energy, she was tired but thankfully Stephanie was helping her.

Leigh-Ann, Nathan and Skylar were on the couch watching Christmas movies on ABC family. Desmond and Scarlett had taken Ben to movies, they wanted to bond with him, especially because it seemed as if Bridget and Desiree were lasting.

Desiree's ringtone rang through the TV, Nathan answered it, "Yo Des, what's up?"

"Um hey, where's Bridget?" she asked.

"I'm cleaning baby, what's up? How are you feeling?" Bridget asked from the dining room.

"Am I on the TV? Take me off, I need to talk to you right now," Desiree said, everyone could tell by the tone of her voice that the woman wasn't pleased.

"Baby, I kinda can't right now," the brunette sighed.

"Ok fuck it, I'll talk to you through here then. Bridget?" Desiree asked.

"Yes Des?" Bridget answered.

"Why the hell was Elliot in my house?!" Desiree asked with anger deep within her voice.

Bridget sighed, she knew this wasn't going to end well. She walked over to the couch and sat down in front of the TV, "He kind of just showed up, I wasn't going to let him in-"

"But you did!...Why? What was he doing there?!" Desiree yelled.

"If you'd calm down and let me explain," Bridget snapped, "Ben, invited him in. He said you told him some stuff about being nice to those in need, Elliot was alone on Thanksgiving  I was about to send him away but your son felt bad for him."

"I thought I made it very clear, very fucking clear that I didn't want him near you or Ben. I don't know what games you think I'm playing but I promise you that I meant what I said," Desiree stated.

"I know and I told him that. I let know him that he and I would never happen again. I made him leave, he was only here for about 30 minutes," Bridget sighed. Everyone else in the room were dead silent.

"I don't care! I don't want him there! I don't want him near Benji and I damn sure don't want him near you! I thought I made that abundantly clear!" Desiree yelled again.

"Ok baby, I understand," Bridget nodded as if the woman could see her.

"Do you? 'Cause from the looks of it you don't!" The Rookie was livid.

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