Chapter 51- Try again

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"So you escaped," Elliot smirked as Desiree stepped into his apartment, "And you've come back for more?"

"I looked you up so we could talk," Desiree said.

Elliot sighed, he walked to his couch and sat down, "I don't want to talk to you unless it's about you saying I can see my son."

"I would've been willing to compromise if you wouldn't have ruined my wedding day" she stated.

"That was two weeks ago, you're still hung up on that?" He chuckled.

"I'm so happy you find all of this so amusing," Desiree smirked.

"The only thing that's amusing is that you think I'm the reason why you didn't get married. I know Bridget, she's very persistent, if she wanted to marry you...she would have," Elliot nodded.

Desiree frowned, "I know,"

"Oh so you've come to the realization that this was your fault? Good. Now, why are you here?" He asked.

She shrugged, "To distract you I guess, you see I paid Patrick a visit too, with Benjamin, Bridget's father and served him some serious paperwork...he sold you out, turned you over to us and now, I'm turning you over to my father. In high school, I was a big fighter, Chicago is a tough place to grow up, you have to be tough and strong, ya know but since I have Benji and Donnie to think about...I'm not going to fight you or...kill you, even though I have the power to."

"So what are you saying?" He asked.

Desmond walked through his door, "She's saying that you're coming with me."

"Who are you?"

Desiree smirked, "Desmond Knight...You really didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" She stood up from the couch and walked towards the door, "My dad's a detective, have fun." she patted his shoulder before leaving out.

One Week Later
Bridget laughed as one of her fans told her about how they almost didn't make it to the convention. The convention was in Window Rock, she missed Donovan but she was holding up pretty well. She and Emily had been there all weekend and today was the last day, and she was happy to have a panel to herself.

"You guys are wild, you'd do anything for me and I'd do the same for you guys," she smiled, "I'm ready for more questions, even though we don't have much more time together."

"Do you think the Commander will kill Max ?" One girl asked.

Bridget bit her lip slightly, "Hmm, that's a really good question but considering that've been through a lot together, I'm not sure...We'll see what happens in season six. Another one..."

"Ms. Galloway exactly how sexy is Desiree Knight? And be honest!" Desiree asked smiling from the last row, everyone turned around shocked. They cheered and screamed as she made her way to front, she hoped on the stage, "Hi, security said I could be here," she smiled proudly.

"I think you just like coming to my events," Bridget playfully glared said causing her fans to laugh as Desiree sat next to Bridget. She kissed her cheek causing everyone to cheer and 'aww'.

"So you guys are the ones responsible for Bridget being gone all weekend," Desiree nodded as she looked at the crowd.

"Yes, they are. They've been wonderful," Bridget smiled as they cheered, "More questions please, I like talking to you guys."

"I heard that you two canceled your wedding, is that true? If it is, why did you?"

Bridget swallowed, Desiree cleared her throat, "Well yes, that is true...Brit...would you like to answer the rest?"

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