Chapter 13- Getting Harder

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Bridget was packing her bags, she was going to France, then Brazil and back to the states for ComicCon.

"Mom?" Ben asked as he came in the room.

"Yes sweetie?" She asked while zipping up her suitcase.

"Can I stay with Desiree while you're away? I haven't seen her in so long," he pouted.

"Baby, Desiree is away at a game and what's wrong with Nathan? Didn't you like staying with him?" Bridget asked before placing her hands on her hips.

The boy leaned against the wall, "Yes, I love my god dad but I miss Des."

"I miss her too, I haven't seen her since Sunday. I'm sorry but she's away," Bridget said.

"But she'll be back tonight and she doesn't have a game all weekend and she said it's fine if I stay with her," he breathed out.

"You talked to her? Benjamin, what did I tell you about doing things behind my back?" The brunette asked sternly.

"I'm sorry ma but she's my best friend," he gave sad eyes.

"How about you invite her to Nathan's Independence Day party? That way you can see her," she said.

He frowned, "But I want to stay at her house, play games, and eat pizza."

"Benjamin, I've already said no. Sit down, let's get some things clear," she said. Ben sat on her bed and rolled his eyes, "Now, you are going to spend the week with Nathan, you will go to basketball camp and you will NOT run off to Desiree's house."

"That was one time!" He exclaimed.

Bridget glared, "Are you raising your voice at me?"

He gulped, "No, I just want to see Desiree."

"Well I told you what to do if you want to see her, she plays basketball Ben, she's tired," Bridget announced.

"But she already said it was ok," he reminded.

"I don't care, you're going to Nathan's," she looked him in the eyes, "That's final."



Coach Bernard yelled down the court.

Desiree was leading the team in their workout, they were currently doing suicides. She was tired, they had just come back from Atlanta. Coach Bernard wasted no time in getting them in the gym.

They practiced for another hour, when they finished, Desiree walked over to her gym bag and looked at her phone.

Benji: 1 text message, 2 missed calls.

My Majesty: 1 missed call.

Desiree got a little worried, she called Ben back first, he answered on the second ring, "What's up kid?"

"Des, if my mom calls don't answer," Ben rushed out.

"What are you talking about?" She breathed out before drinking her water.

"She's mad at me because I went behind her back and blah blah blah. I want to know if you will come to Nathan's party tomorrow, it's like a barbecue," Ben said.

"I suppose I could make it. Send me the address," Desiree said.

"Ok great, see you tomorrow," Benjamin smiled before hanging up.

Desiree chuckled at Ben's reaction before leaving out the gym. She called Bridget back, it took a while for the brunette to answer, "Hello Knight," she breathed out.

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