Chapter 26 - She Knows

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"Desiree calm down." Judy the physical trainer said.

Desiree was going ballistic, she was flipping over chairs, kicking tables over, basically destroying the back room. Coach Bernard walked in with a worried face along with Scarlett.

"Honey please relax," she tried.

"I can't believe this bullshit!" Desiree yelled.

"Knight, sit down and let us look at your shoulder," Bernard instructed.

Her shoulder hurt like hell, thank god it was her left one because if it were her right one she wouldn't have be able to do anything. She sighed and sat down, "It hurts," she mumbled.

Judy looked at the swelling and the bruises, "We need to get her to the hospital," he sighed.

Desiree chuckled when she heard a faint voice yelling to the security, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T GO BACK THERE!?" Bridget yelled.

"Someone go get Brit, before she kills somebody," Desiree demanded.


"Well, your tendon is torn," Dr. Bullock said, "The muscles have detached from the bone. Plus your coracoid, clavicle and acromion are all out of place."

Desiree groaned, "UGH!"

"Des just relax... So what does that mean?" Bridget asked.

"How long is she going to be out for?" Coach Bernard asked.

"Well after surgery like this, it's going to take at least 4 to 6 weeks for it to heal, then it'll take another 4 to 6 for her to gain muscle strength. I don't think she'll be able to play back to her old self honestly for about 8 to 12 months," he said with a sorry expression.

"A year? We start practice in two months," Bernard said.

"Just fucking fix me ," Desiree said.

"So that's it? She's out for a season?" Bridget asked, "You're telling me she's suppose to sit on her ass for 4 months and then try to get back in the gym?!"

"Well, she can do minimum exercise to get muscle strength but her arm will be in a sling for about 3 months yes," Bullock said.

Desiree's eyes began to water, "I might as well forget basketball."

"I wouldn't say that, in about a year you'll be back-"

"No! It wont be the same. What team is going to want me?! I had a one year contract with Phoenix, that year is bout fucking up, they aren't going to renew it!" Desiree yelled.

"Knight, you know I love you but it's not up to me," Bernard stated, "We will have to take all of this into consideration."

Desiree nodded in understanding, putting her head down.


Tuesday, October 7, 2015

"So how is she doing?" Nicole asked. Bridget had invited her, Emily, and Alex over for a chill ladies day at her house.

"Well she had surgery last week so she's still very sore...Scratch that. She's in a lot of pain," Bridget sighed, "I can't do much to help, the doctor says I can't massage it yet."

"You will be able to soon, hopefully. How long will she be out?" Emily asked.

Bridget frowned, "Nearly a year, she hates it. She... actually cried."

They all gasped, "No, I can't imagine Des crying," Allie mentioned.

"Well I've seen her cry before...when Quentin died. But this time, she was really balling, it hurts her heart. Hell, it hurts mine, I feel so bad," Bridget said.

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