Chapter 20- No holding back

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"Alright, so let's talk, What's going on Nathan?" Desiree asked as she sat scared to death on her balcony railing overlooking Phoenix.

"What's not going on? My career is extinct, I'm single, and I'm addicted cocaine," Nathan huffed.

"All those things can be fixed. Bro I'm here for you, you don't have to do this. You have so much to live for," Desiree reminded.

He sighed, "Not really."

"You do though, you have Benji, your mother, Bridget told me how close you are with her. And what about Brit? She loves you. What about me Nat? I love you man, I thought we were close," Desiree said.

"We are! I love you Des, you make Bridget happy and that's all I could ask for but something's missing. I feel hollow," he admitted.

"I know what that's like," she said.

"Then to top it off, Michie and Alex want another baby, Desiree I'm so screwed, I can't give them some crack baby! I have to get clean so their baby will be perfect," he groaned, "I'm so screwed."

"No you're not, I have a plan to fix your problem. You're not addicted Nat, I've seen addicts, you're far from it. Just relax, breathe, I'm here for you. Do you trust me?" She asked.

He looked at her, "Yes."

"Then let's get the fuck down and let me help you," she suggested.

He nodded slowly before climbing back over the railing with Desiree following.


Bridget hadn't said a word to Desiree or Nathan since they came back in the penthouse 30 minutes ago. She felt familiar strong arms wrap around her from behind, "I'm sorry Brit," Desiree mumbled.

Bridget scoffed and pulled away, "That was the stupidest thing you've ever done!"

"I know...and I'm sorry but I was trying to help Nathan," Desiree stated.

"I don't care, you could have died! What if you were to slip?" She had tears in her eyes now, "Huh? Then what? What was I supposed to do? Try to live without you because I-...forget it, I'm going home," Bridget wiped her tears before walking away.

Desiree quickly followed, they were outside of her door, "Baby wait, come here."

Bridget paused, "What do you want Knight?"

"Let me take you home. Please, I don't want you driving drunk," Desiree said. She had a hidden agenda of course.

"Fine," Bridget said. She sobered up the moment the woman went outside to help Nathan but she didn't have to know that.


The car ride was silent, they pulled up to Bridget's house and got out of the car.

"You're not coming in," Briget said while taking out her keys.

"Why not?" Desiree whined.

"I don't want you to, I'm mad at you," Bridget reminded.

Desiree sighed and pulled her close, "Can we at least talk some more about it?"

Bridget was taken back, she had never had anyone express how they didn't like her being mad at them or take control the way Desiree was. She sighed before clearing her throat, "I suppose we could talk."

They walked into the house, Bridget kicked off her heels before jogging up the stairs to her room. She knew the rookie would follow her even though she didn't want her to. She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower and began to undress.

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