Miracles can happen

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Scarlet is 1. She is almost walking. She has come so far. The doctors didn't think she would make this much progress. But she did. She had 2 very very supportive parents by her side the whole time. Spen got out of rehab. She went right back to the streets. She has no intention to change her lifestyle. Gray has excepted that. She didn't want to. But there is nothing she can do about it. Spen never tries to come and visit. She in and out of jail. Then back in rehab. Finally back in the streets. It's a never ending cycle. Spen had such big hopes and dreams. Gray knew she could reach them. But she stopped trying.

************7 months later***********

Gray was 1 of the best song writers out there. She has written a total of 21 top 100 hits in the past 3 yrs. she came from nothing to this. One day she went to the doctor like a normal visit. The doctor told her that she was pregnant. It was unbelievable. It was a true miracle. So many doctors told her that she wouldn't be able to have kids. But somehow, it became possible. She had prayed about it so much. Everyone was excited. She prayed that the baby would make it and be healthy. She didn't want to take the risk of losing the baby because of stress. So she decided to take time of work and focus on her family. Scarlet was 2 and a half by this time. She was learning very quickly. Gray and Ashton tried to teach her a lot. She could already tell you all the colors in the rainbow and some animals. They knew that she would have problems in the future so starting early was the best way to help.

************4 months later***********

Today was the day they were going to find out the gender of the baby. Last time this is when they lost the baby. They had the whole community praying for them. Lots of fans send good luck and prayers too. They walk into the room and Gray lays on the table. The doctor rubs the cold gel on her stomach. She hears the heart beat. She was crying because she was so thankful.

Every Girls Dream and Nightmare// Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now