Big Apple

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When the plane landed, Gray got out and saw Michael waiting for her. She ran to him and jumped into his arms. "I haven't socialized with a human in almost a month!" Gray said while laughing. "I can tell! You want to go get some coffee?" Michael asked. "Sounds great!" She said.
"So why did you want to meet up here?" Gray asked. "I have an idea and I was wondering if you wanted in." Michael said. "I know you just got your business degree. And I know you like writing. I was wondering if you wanted to become our song manager?" Michael asked her. She felt a huge smile spread on her face. "I'm in!" She told him. "Does anyone else know?" She asked. "Just are band manager. He loved the idea." Mikey told her. "So when do you think the next tour is going to be?" Gray asked him. "We already got it planned, we just got to get the boys in. It will be a European tour in 8months." Michael continue to tell her. "In two weeks I want you to meet me in L.A. All the boys will be there but I want it to be a surprise for them that you will be there. At that's when you can tell the the big news!" Mikey said.
They continue having normal conversations. Then Spencer popped up. "So I haven't herd about you 2 in a while." Gray said. "We'll be did become official for a while but neither of us liked being away from each other so we decided to break up and maybe one, when our lives calm down, get back together." Michael told her.

When Gray got home, Ashton asked how the trip went. She decided that she was going to have to lie to him. She told him that she didn't get the job but it was a good learning experience.
Soon she started going out more. She soon began to write down song topics. She would text Michael to see if they are good topics and he agreed to all of them. She had about 30 topics. Then she started working on the lyrics. She had the chorus of about 5 of them but had the whole song of only 1. Then she started on the beat. Before she knew it, she had a song written. All the boys had to do was recorded it. She got all of that done in a week. Ashton always asked her what she was working on. All she said was an art project.
Ashton soon got the call that he had a meeting in L.A. "I'm going to be gone for 1 week. Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Ashton asked as he was getting ready to leave for the airport. "Of course." She told him. She dropped him off and kissed him goodbye. When she got home, she started packing her bags because she was leaving in 3hrs. She was happy that she decided to meet up with Michael in New York.

Every Girls Dream and Nightmare// Ashton IrwinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt