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                          Gray sat up very fast. She was in tears. She was in her bed, confused about how she got there. "Gray, it's ok it's ok. I'm here," Ashton whispered in her ear to calm her down. He asked no question. He just held her till she feel back asleep.
When she woke up he was watching her sleep. Not in a creepy way but in a caring way. "How are you feeling?" He asked her. "Better" she told him. "Sorry about last night." She apologized. "No need to be sorry, do you want to talk about it? If you don't it's fine." He asked. "Sure. I had a dream, well a nightmare, It happens a lot, Of my ex boyfriend and my ex best friend. I keep reliving the heart break. We were at this party and I was talking to Dre. We used to have a 5th person in our group. Her name was Hanna. She was my best friend. While I was talking to Dre, I noticed I hadn't see her in a while. So I asked people if they had seen her. Someone said she was in the den. This house we were at was huge. I look over and see her making out with someone. It was dark in the room so I couldn't tell who it was. I smelled of her cup to see if there was alcohol. There wasn't any, so I know she wasn't drunk. "Hanna! Come on we need to go see where Sean is," I told her. She sat up with a horrified look on her face. I look down and see my boyfriend Sean. "I thought you were my friend!" I screamed at her. They stood up. "Listen I'm sorry Gray I didn't mean to!" She said trying to make things better. "I don't want to here it." I replied. "Hey she jumped on me, I tried to tell her no," Sean said. I just slapped him across the face. "Save it you jerk! I don't ever want to see you again!" I yelled at him. "You are a hoe and you know it! Don't come near me again!!" I yelled at Hanna. Then I got my keys and left. I drove to the lake that wasn't far from the party I was at. I sat on the dock  and cried. Then I herd footsteps behind her. I got so scared that I passed out. When I woke up she was at my house in my bed with Dre sitting next to me. Dre knew what happened that night. Dre was the 1 on the doc. Ever since then me and Dre have been best friends." Gray told this whole long story to Ashton. "What a jerk," he told her. "I would never do that to you." Ashton said comforting her. "Thanks" she replied. They laid there in silence and fell back asleep.

Every Girls Dream and Nightmare// Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now